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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Tablets in school Tablets have too manydistractions for classroom use. Handheld technological devices including tablets are associated with a range of health problems. Manufacturing tablets is environmentally destructive and dangerous to human health Tablets contain many technological features that cannot be found in print textbooks. Tablets help students better prepare for a world immersed in technology. Tablets can hold hundreds of textbooks on one device, plus homework, quizzes, and other files, eliminating the need for physical storage of books and classroom materials. Tablets facts: Pro Cons and Tablets are being used by 43% of teachers and students in the US 100% 43% Countries where tablet will be adopted in school Implementing tablets in schools requires purchasing hardware (the tablet) and software (the textbooks), building new wi-fi infrastructure, and training teachers and administrators how to use the technology. Implementation costs are 552% higher than new print textbooks in an average high school. Is estimated that the annual cost per student per class with tablets to be $71.55 vs. $14.26 for print textbooks. According to the New York Times, the "adverse health impacts from making one e-reader are estimated to be 70 times greater than those from making a single book." One tablet requires the extraction of 33 pounds of minerals, 79 gallons of water, and 100 kilowatt hours of fossil fuels resulting in 66 pounds of carbon dioxide. Print books produce 100 times fewer greenhouse gases. Two gallons of water are required to make the pulp slurry that is pressed and heat-dried to make paper, and only two kilowatt hours are required to form and dry the sheets of paper. South Korean Ministry of Education announced that it would replace all textbooks and paper with tablets by 2015
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