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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Content Knowledge TPACK: Where am I now? TechnologicalKnowledge PedagogicalKnowledge Technology provides us an extra platformto present information in the classroom. We can make our teaching interactive, and can engage our students in a new, interestingway.Personally, I am working to gain more knowledgeabout the technology available to me, not onlyin school settings, but also in early childhood education. While creating learning stories, earlychildhood educators construct ways to connectwith families. Technology can be another platformthat educators use to present children's documented learning to families, making connections andbuilding strong relationships. Keeping up-to-date with new technologicaladvances can give us an upper-hand in the classroom. We can guide our students as theyuse the technology available to them, and also communicate at a level that theyunderstand, and that is meaningful for them. Technological / PedagogicalKnowledge Pedagogical / ContentKnowledge Technological / ContentKnowledge Guiding our students and making meaningful connectionsis a crucial part of being a teaching professional. Our studentsneed to know not only the curriculum content, but also howto reach the answers they are seeking. Open-ended learningallows teachers to learn along-side students, while studentspose their own questions and explore, building their knowledgeas they go. In my professional practice, I am currently exploring my role as a pedagogical leader in early childhood settings. I find it extremelyinteresting, as well as rewarding, to be making new discoverieswith the children I am working with. Understanding what we are teaching is an important part of scaffolding learning. Acquiring knowledge allows us to guide learning and present concepts and ideas that are imortant inhelping our students grasp what is being put in front of them. Taking a variety of classes is giving me a broadunderstanding of a lot of different areas ofstudy. Gaining this knowledge is giving me afoundation to base my teaching on, and as Igain more knowledge, I have the ability to applyeach new concept in the classroom setting. These three areas work together to give educators the confidenceto present their students withmeaningful information to guidetheir thinking and understanding, while relating on a level that theyare familiar with. Technology also allows us to gain moreknowledge of the content we are teaching. We can conduct a lot of research in orderto understand important concepts that we will then pass down to our students. Understanding the content we are teachinggives us the confidence to guide our students as they gain the knowledgethat we are presenting them.
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