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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 THE STAGES OF STRESS The Three Stages of Stress : Alarm - emergency signal to brain , body gets more energy and works faster. Resistance - decreased in energy levels takes place , it feels exhausted but at the same time anxious and forgetful Exhaustion / fatigue- completley drained all of energy and just be tired Hypothalamus - a small area at the base of the brain ;it releases a hormones that acts on the pituitary gland Dogs are one of the top stressrelievers Towards the end of my junior year in high school, I found myself buried under an avalanche of work: school, church, music, you name it. I was asked to play the organ at a graduation, had projects in just about every important (and non-important) class, and was getting up at around 4 o'clock a.m. every day to finish work I was too tired to do the night before.I recall one day while doing the dinner dishes, I simply curled up in a ball on the hardwood floor, and I fell right asleep. I had time for nothing else, and all the while, my piano teacher continued to drive me to practice more each day. This little sleep, high work schedule went on for about one week.The way I dealt with this challenge was to simply face it head-on. I sat down and would do nothing other than the work that was in front of me, whether it be a history project or the challenging organ piece I had to perform the next day. True, the week was brutal, but I was able to get everything done by focusing on everything one step at a time. Towards the end of my junior year in high school, I found myself buried under an avalanche of work: school, church, music, you name it. I was asked to play the organ at a graduation, had projects in just about every important (and non-important) class, and was getting up at around 4 o'clock a.m. every day to finish work I was too tired to do the night before. The way I dealt with this challenge was to simply face it head-on. I sat down and would do nothing other than the work that was in front of me, whether it be a history project or the challenging organ piece I had to perform the next day. True, the week was brutal, but I was able to get everything done by focusing on everything one step at a time.
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