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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Premium Audience Age 20-34 (119)HH Status - Male Other (107), Main Shopper (106)Life Events Start University (137), Start first Job (135), Change Job (156), Get divorced (223), Purchase a house/Sell a house/Flat (151)Market - Metro (115), West (108), North (101)Education Graduate Gen. (102), Some College but not Graduate (122)HH Income 30K 40K (134)Occupation Retired (118), Not Stated (101) Media - Internet (267)- Cinema (192)- Radio (148) Media - Internet (196)- Cinema (153)- Magazine (133) - Mobile Addict (137)- Buys products before friends (131)- Impulsive (129)- Regular Cinema goer (129) - Keeps up with development in Technology (127)- Adventurous (124)- Traditional (124) - Easily influenced (116)- Health Conscious (115)- Goes to internet for information (113)- Content (113) & Self Conscious (111)- Enjoys Travelling (112)- Independent (111)- Career Oriented (110)- Organized (109) Age 15-34 (119)HH Status - Female Other (108), Main Shopper (105)Life Events Move abroad to work (300), Start first Job (207) Get Separated (243), Move out of parental home (181)Market - Metro (131), West (110), North (105)Education Graduate Gen. (130), Post Graduate Gen. (171)HH Income 30K 40K (157)Occupation Housewife (114), Supervisor (111) VEHICLE - Four wheeler/s (132) CONS. DURABLE - AC (142), Electric Kitchen Chimneys (161)MWO (148), Ref. (106), WM (110), Camera & Photographic Accessories (161), Comp & Video system and games (167), MP3 Player (157), VCR (130) OTHERS - Branded Furniture (137), Jewellery (107) VEHICLES - Four wheeler/s (144) CONS. DURABLE - AC (168), Ref. (110), WM (118)Electric Kitchen Chimneys (208), VCR (135),MWO (173), Camera & Photographic Accessories (121), Comp & Video system and games (174), MP3 Player (186) OTHERS - Branded Furniture (141), Jewellery (103)
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