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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Legend has it that teawas discovered by theChinese Emperor, ShanNong, who was sittingbeneath a tree waitingfor his water to boilwhen tea leaves fellinto his pot. Guan Ma route, ran from Pu'er, to Kunming & further to provinces within mainland China. It was used for transporting imperial tea to Beijing Guan Zang route, ran from Pu'er to Xiaguan, Lijiang, Shangri-la, &into Tibet; & from Tibet to Nepal Jiang Lai route,which ran fromPu'er to Jiangcheng,in to Lai Chau ofVietnam and on to Tibet and Europe Dry Season route, ran from Pu'er to Simao in Yunnan, & on to the Lancarg River, Menglian. & Burma Meng La route ran from Pu'er to Mengla in Yunnan, andon to northernLaos and Southeast Asia. Pu'er As these roads linked China, India, & Middle Asia, they fostered international trade & promoted the spread of Buddhism. pack horses were used to transport the tea as they could withstand the rough conditions along the routes. Tea was much sought after for its medicinal propertiesand taste. It was so valuable that it could be traded for war horses to be used in the chinese army 2,350 Kilometers long northern route 25 suspension bridges Over 4,00 kilometer route from top to bottom Each year over 15 million kilograms of teawere exchanged for over 20,000 horses The tea grown in Pu'erwas preserved throughsteamning and compressingit into bowl-shapes, which made it easy to transport. The Chinese government used the tea trade as a means of maintaining political control over Tibet. The Ming Court even made the Chakesi,a bureau in charge of tea & horse trade. TIbet was at such a high attitude that it was impossible to grow tea Pu'er was an idealtown for growing tea Tea trade along this route called the Tea-Horse road had existed from the Song Dynasty 960 to the end of the Qing Dynasty in1912 HISTORICI-TEA; The Ancient Tea Trade
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