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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Assessment in the 21st Century Classroom Summer Academy Take an in-depth look at assessment that meets the needs of 21st century learners. See how assessment strategies can benefit your teaching practices and students learning. Learn how to plan, develop, and manage student-centered assessment. Intel Teach Elements Designing Blended Learning is an e-learning course for teachers that explains and demonstrates blended learning with interactive activities and locally relevant classroom examples. The course helps teachers transition to blended learning experiences and provides the background rationale, planning strategies, and suggested technology tools. It offers suggestions for assessing student learning in a blended course and managing the day-to-day blended environment. Designing Blended Learning Section Online CoursesRegistration: email:tuanuas@usd361.orgCollege Credit2.0 hrs ($130.00) orPDC 30 hrs June 30th -August 4th June 2nd - July 6 USD 361 On Campus FridayJuly 12th8:30-3:30 MondayJuly 8th8:30-3:30 TuesdayJuly 9th8:30-3:30 WednesdayJuly 10th8:30-3:30 ThursdayJuly 11th8:30-3:30 Intro into FlippedClassroomCreate a flipped classroom and learn how to implementon into your learning environment!iPad Classroom ManagementUse different methods formanagment and controll in theclassroom! iPad ImplementationK-6 TeachersLearn how to implement the iPad into yourcurriculum.Create! Learn! Explore! iPad Implementation7-12 TeachersLearn how to implement the iPad into yourcurriculum.Create! Learn! Explore! SMARTBOARDIntegration & Apple TV'sCreate lessons using the SMART Notebook software.Gather resources and find lessons already designedwith you in mind!Learn to use the Apple TVas an Interactive Whiteboard. Google CollaborationLearn to use Google to designa collaborative learningenvironment.How to effectively use docs, forms, email, and folders with your students. College Credit ($42.50) 1/2 credit per dayRegistration: Scan forSummerAcademy Registration Scan forIntel OnlineCourses
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