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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM The production system developedby Toyota Motor Corporationto provide best quality, lowest cost, andshortest lead time through the elimination of waste. The Goals The Goals LEAN MANUFACTURING processes that maximise customer value while minimising waste(Endsley et al., 2006; Koning et al., 2006) JIDOKA = autonomationinvented by Sakichi Toyoda ;device stopping automatic loomswhen thread broke- great quality improvements- more time for value creating workthan simply monitoring machinesfor quality (separate peoples andmachines work)- simple concept found inevery machine, production line, andToyota operation Genchi-Genbutsu ("go and see)= key approach in problem solvingto truly understand a situation oneneeds to go to the 'real place'(Gemba) where work is done  Poka-Yoke (mistake-proofing)= any mechanism in leanmanufacturing helpingto avoid human mistakes;any behavior-shapingconstraint designed into aprocess to prevent incorrectoperation by the user (beforethey occur -> - zero defect quality control)-at any step ofa manufacturing process -many shapes and designs:-sensors, proximity switches,-stencils, etc.Statistical Quality Control (SQC):find occurred defectsVisual management includingusing Andon systems Andon systems = system to notifmanagement of a quality orprocess problem;Andon board, activatedmanually by worker orautomatically JIT objective: Eliminate inventoryJIT emphasizes forced problem solving JIT inventory: Minimum inventoryto keep system running Continuous and forced problemsolving via a focus on throughputand reduced inventory. is making what the customersneeds, when it needed, in thequantity needed. 3 Elements of JIT :Elimination of wasteAnything not adding value to the productTakt TimeTakt time is the term given to awork-cycle that fulfills eachcustomer's demand.Kanban Carda simple, highly visible devicethat the Toyota ProductionSystem uses to call-upcomponents as they arerequired, meaning only a minimalstock of components is held inthe assembly area. Just-in-Time (partnership)Exists when a supplier and apurchaser work together with opencommunication and a goal ofremoving waste and driving downcost for mutual benefit. JUST IN TIME Heijunka converts uneven customer pull into even and predictable manufacturing process.Heijunka is generally used in combination with other key Lean principles to stabilize value flow Heijunka is a core concept that helps bring stability to a manufacturing process Heijunka - The distribution of production volume and mix evenly over time Standardization -When manpower, equipment, and materials are used in the most efficient combination,Without standardization, all improvement efforts using Kaizen to eliminate waste (muda) are not sustainable Kaizen - Change for better = continuous improvement To manufacture products : With the highest QUALITY. That are COST EFFICIENT. Whose DELIVERY will be ON TIME. That are respect ENVIRONMENT. That are adhere highest SAFETY standard Plan: Go to the real place (gemba), obverse the real thing/product (gembutsu),get the real fact (genjitsu). Focus on reducing response time, lead times,exposing wastes in your processDo: Conduct Kaizen. Flow everything: product, information material replenishment, services.Check for direction by aligning activities with long-term business directionAct: Take actions to sustain and accelerate improvement activities CONCEPT CONCEPT OM Group 5 Setio, Raditya, Sheena, Andre, Syifa, Batch 64 International A
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