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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Non-medical student placement evaluations University Hospital Southampton Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsectetur adipsisicing elit, sed Ut January - December 2014 10 54321 40 What students are saying about our placements 4.07 4.38 4.27 4.23 Excellent/Strongly agree Poor/stronglydisagree Quality of mentorship 10 20 30 40 50 Nursing Adult Midwifery Other Women and newborn CV&T Cancer Care Medicine Surgery Local induction Opportunitiesto developteam learning and working skills Inductionand prep Opportunitiesto work withmultidisciplinaryteam Enabled to meet learningoutcomes Learning 4.29 4.14 Support Supportfrom mentor Studentstatusrecognised 4.37 Mentorship on placementenabled meto deliverexcellent patient care 4.10 I receivedconstructivefeedback My mentorunderstoodmy assessmentrequirements 4.17 "My placement educators werevery supportive of addressingmy learning outcomes. They where flexible with my timetabling in order to addressthe outcomes. I was informedof different members of staffwho could help me fullfill specific learning needs and had regular meetings with myplacement educator to track my progress and discuss myplan of action to progress for the rest of the placement. All these things helped me enjoyand get the most out of my placement." "The ward knew my learning needsstraight away and did everything possible to meet them." Rate Universityprogrammes Placed in 86 responses
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