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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Limited LiabilityCompany (LLC) STORE BASED RETAILING Hybrid of the partnership and corporation Hyper Markets Business is own and runby an individual Partnership Large retail unit offeringmerchandise at low prices. Joint Venture (JV) When two or more firmscome together to accomplisha same goal or project for a limited period BASED ONOWNERSHIP Sole Properietorship When single business is carried out by two or more people BASED ONRETAILLOCATION Co-operativeOutlets The retail outlets areowned by co-operative socities Supermarkets Self service store whichdeals with a wide rangeof food and non fooditems Discount Stores Extensive range of productswith heavy discount in price than any format of retailer Speciality Stores Specialists in particular range of products Department Stores Large stores which classifies productsunder specified departments BASED ONTHE VARIETYOF MERCHANDISEMIX Convenience Stores Stores which sellsconvenience goods in alimited variety. Retail Chain Chain indicatesnumber of retail units Franchising Firm follows andruns its businessby adapting thesame strategiesof a successfulcompany underits brand name Leased Department Brand owner occupiesshelf space in anotherretailer's store BASED ONOPERATIONALSTRUCTURE Owns a single retailunit with a targetedcustomer base Free StandingLocation Independent Retail Unit Other locations of thecountry which arespecialised in specific types ofproducts Retailers inSpecialised Markets Isolated location ofa retailer wherethe business dependsentirely on their pulling power Business-associatedLocation One or more retailerswork together andoperate in a particularlocation to bring customers to theirlocation
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