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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Stem cells are cells of the body which can divideand become differentiated.When an organism grows, stem cells specialize, and take specific functions. Organisms also use stem cells to replace damaged cells. Stem Cells Stem cell therapy promotes the reparative response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells. It is the next chapter of organ transplantation and uses cells instead of donor organs. Cord blood stem cells are used in the treatment of life-threatening diseases, and play an important role in the treatment of blood and immune system related genetic diseases, cancers, and blood disorders.Cord blood has advantages over traditional bone marrow transplantation, and can be life-saving in cases where a bone-marrow donor cannot be found. Cord blood stem cells can also be used for siblings and other members of your family who have a matching tissue type. Umbilical cord blood: -Rich in life-saving stem cells. -Donate it to give someone a chance at a cure. -Increases the chances of finding a match for the patient. Approximately Three Months Before Your Baby is Due:Talk with your doctor or midwife about your decision to donate umbilical cord blood.Find out if your hospital collects cord blood for public donation and note the contact number of the public cord blood bank.The blood bank will (ask you to):See if you meet basic guidelines for cord blood donation.Complete forms about the health history of you and your family. Identify the type of expected delivery. Sign a consent form to donate. Upon arrival at the hospital, tell the labor and delivery team that you are donating umbilical cord blood. Usually the day after your baby is born, you will be asked for a sample of your blood to be tested for infectious diseases. Shortly after your baby's birth, the cord blood unit is delivered to the public cord blood bank
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