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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Stages of Stress The Three Stages of Stress Alarm Alarm Your body goes on high alert, this is also known as the fight-or-flight response. This prepares your body to fight or run from threat. Symptoms: Increased pulse, increased muscle tension, faster respiration rate. Resistance Resistance Exposure to a stressor can cause brief adaptation. The stage is signified by increased endurance for a short period, allowing performance at higher levels. Fatigue Fatigue Prolonged exposure to the stressor can drain the body's ability to adapt, making the body and brain wear down. You can identify this stage with abnormal fatigue and weariness. Hypothalamus: The small area at the base of the brain thattriggers responses to stress by releasing a hormone that acts onthe putuitary gland, occurs in the alarm phase. Personal Story This was the story of a man named P.K. Phillips, who battled with PTSD. P.K. was diagnosed with PTSD at the age of 35. It was triggered by several traumas, including childhood laced with physical, mental, and sexual abuse. Ever since that time, Phillips has had flashbacks and nightmares frequently. He suffered from his first panic attack at 17. Phillips finally got treatment to help him with his PTSD. If Phillips had succumbed to his disorder, he may not be alive right now. Phillips may never recover from his disorder, but it will be easier to live now without constant panic. By: Chris Vogel, Jonas Forsberg,and Jaren White
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