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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Case Study: Genetically Modified Soybeans double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Nutritional Impact Biotechnology for Modification Pros/Cons for Society Environmental Effects U.S. Regulation Health Issues Although there are speculation that GM soybeans taste better, there are substantial scientificevidence for a change in nutrtional value. Economic Issues NO GM Soybeans have been linked to allergic reactions. Soy allergen is almost 7x higher in GM soy. Other problems that have surged include low birth weights, infertility, sterility, and birth defects.However, the Federal Drug Administration claimed that there are no sound evidence of difference between GM and naturally grown soybeans. When GM Soybeans were first introducedin the United States in the mid 1990's,soy allergies skyrocketed by 50%! Speculations for GM Soybeans>Bigger Soybeans>Tastier Soybeans>More vitamins Regulation of GM soybeans is dividedamong the Environmental Projection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration Agency (FDA), and theDepartment of Agriculture (USDA).The developer of GM soybeans mustverify that the toxins contained aresafe for the environment and must conduct a food safety analysis to ensure that foreign protein from thesoybean is not allergenic.In other countries, regulation dependsmainly upon the intended use of the crop. Soybeans have been genetically modifiedto be resistant to herbicides. This promotes the development of herbicideresistant weeds; resistant weeds damagebiodiversity by throwing off ecological balance.GM traits are passed to wild crops, which changes ecologicalrole and can potentionally out-compete another species. This decrease in biodiversity leads to higher susceptibility to widespread outbreaks of diseases and pests. GM seeds arguably reduce the yield produced by crops each year. They cause conflict regarding trade regulations, since many countries are concerned about GMO chemicals harming the country's population. Soybean trade is very lucrative, however. The European Union imported about of GM soybeans primarily from the U.S. each year. Soybeans are also primarily used to feed livestock around the world at a relatively low cost. INTERNATIONAL $40 million tons GM Soybeans areengineered to last harsh conditions.GM Soybeans help the impoverished andcreatesa larger livestockmarket each year. GM Soybeans mate with corn and other soybeans, spreadingGM DNA before fully knowingthe effects on human health.GM Soybeans have alsobeen thought to causeinfant mortality and infertility. PROS CONS To create genetically modified (GM) soybeans, scientists place genes of traits of beingherbicide, drought, or diseaseresistant into soybeans with a "gene gun" byinserting gene into the plant tissue.Another method is to heat soybeanseedlings, making them susceptible to a bug that invades the plant tissues which causesthe plant to make new amino acids and sugarsThe seedlings are then placed in specialgreenhouses that optimize growing conditions.
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