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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 LIFESTYLE BRANDS The Brand of a Movement LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES MEDIA BRANDS MEDIA BRAND TOURS Music driven brands drive offline revenue including concert tours. Song of Shambhala is more than a media brand it is a lifestyle brand that reflects the values of Cultural Creatives Song of Shambhala lifestyle magazine withpotential sales comparable to Guidepost, Real Simple, "O" and Martha Stewart WILD OATS AVEDA HARRY POTTER MARGARTIVILLE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL $340 MILLION $1.2 BILLION $270 MILLION $24.7 BILLION $100 MILLION $290 MILLION TWILIGHT CIRQUE DU SOLEIL eBooks and eBook apps serve as the frontline MOBILE & ONLINE Mobile apps will drive discoverability with tablets and PC's serving up expansive content and immersive engagement - all integrated with social networking. Potential of 2-5 Million unique visitors a month $500 MILLION OPRAH'S HARPO GLEE $1.5 BILLION $30 MILLION $224 MILLION CELTIC WOMAN $40.8 MILLION AMERICAN IDOL $1 BILLION AVERAGE READERSHIP LOHAS MARKET UNITED STATES $4.7 BILLION Song of Shambhala brand has the potential to meet or exceed the revenues of the following media brands: CULTURAL CREATIVES One out of three Americans identify with the values, beliefs and lifestyles that define Cultural Creatives. Cultural Creatives are the core, the glue that holds the LOHAS market together. AMERICANS 50 MILLION Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability describes the market for health, the environment, social justice, sustainable living and personal development. $2 MILLION Digital "STORY & SONG" platform builds audience and brand equity that can be harvested across multiple platforms. GAIAM
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