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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What will we be doing? We have a five (5) step plan 1 2 4 5 Need for Gospel Churches in the city ~20% Opportunity: JCMO is a city on the Bible belt that has only around 20% identifying as evangelical Christians.Our Plan: Planting gospel-centered churches where spiritual and social needs of our neighbors are met. 2 Will you join our support team? Racial Reconciliation Opportunity: JCMO historically has had a deep racial/cultural divide that quietly divides our community and creates resentment. Our plan: Intentionally train leaders acrossracial and cultural lines that are Gospel centric. Strategic City 3 Opportunity: JCMO drawsdeeply from the urban cores of a multitude of cities nation wide.Our Plan: Cultivate relationships that change us as well as people we minister to by leveraging the Gospel within those context. Lincoln University & Young Professionals Opportunity: College aged & Young Professionals (20's and 30's) now make up almost 40% of the population.Our Plan: To influence the next generation of influencersfor the glory of God and the good of the city. Iden-tify as Christian Deploy Missionaries Opportunity: America is becoming more and moreof a missionary context with a bigger mission field as the US is now the 4th most unreached people group.Our Plan: Train and release missionaries into our owncommunity to reach unchurched and over-churchedpeople. Work to establish new points of connectionto engage people with the Gospel. What is a support team? The Support Team is a team of people who partner with us to fulfill the mission through prayer, encouragement, and Financial support. Our commitment to the support team: - Diligently serve as missionaries in our state's capital for the glory of God and the good of the city in planting a Gospel centered church.- To keep you informed with monthly newsletters.- To provide a yearly financial statement with your tax-deductible giving record. Please see enclosed support team card for information on how to become part of team. All donations are tax-deductible
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