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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ADAPTATIONS Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources Snow leopards cannot roar,because of the physiologyof their throat. Instead,they make a non-aggressivepuffing sound called a "chuff". Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: PantheraSpecies: Uncia Snow leopards are mostlyactive at dawn and dusk. A snow leopards main prey arewild sheep and goats, but snowleopards can also eat manysmaller animals. GENERAL INFORMATION Snow leopards sneak up on their prey before pouncingbecause they blend in withtheir snowy environment. Snow leopards have athick coat of fur to keepthem warm in their coldhabitat. People hunt snow leopards becausetheir body parts are used in Chinesemedicine, which is part of the reasonsnow leopards are endangered. But,snow leopards can climb and leapquickly, so they can sometimesescape humans that try to kill them. Snow Leopards Snow leopardsare nomadic,meaning theytravel alone. Snow leopards are welladapted for the cold. Snow leopards havea very long tailfor balancethat they can alsowrap around their bodyto keep warm in theircold habitat. Snow Leopards live in thehigh mountains of centralAsia. Their habitat is cold,dry, snowy and rocky. Snow leopards prefer to livewhere there are cliffs androcky outcrops. Shown above is a snow leopard in its natural habitat. Shown above is a camouflaged snow leopard. As you can see, snowleopards have long tails. Snow leopards have long,powerful hind limbs thatcan help them leap up to30 feet. They use this to leap over the big rocksin their environment. A snow leopard can leap very high. Snow leopards have very goodeyesight to help spot their prey,which can be very small. Snow leopards have a large chestto help them breathe at the highaltitudes of their home. Snow leopards have strong shoulder muscles that help them climb thesteep cliffs and big rocks in theirhabitat. When they are born, snow leopards are smalland helpless. At 2 months, they are readyto eat solid food. At 18-22 months, theybecome independent of their mothers, and at2-4 years they are ready to have their owncubs. Scientists don't know how long snowleopards live, but one wild snow leopard lived to be about 10-13 years old. In the summer, snow leopardsmain prey, such as wild sheepsand goats are still outside in theopen, easy to catch. In thewinter, snow leopards have tostart using their great eyesight tofind smaller prey, because not alot of its prey isn't out in the openbecause of the snow and cold. About 60% ofsnow leopardslive in China. Mountain goats are oneof snow leopards prey. Snow leopards have palegreen or gray eyes, whichis unusual because normalbig cats have yellow orgold eyes. You can see how the snow leopards eyes are a greenish-gray. An average snow leopard isabout 2 feet tall and 6 - 7.5feet long (including their tail). Snow leopards have longtails for balance, but tailshave evolved differentlyin other environments. There are only about4,000 - 7,000 snowleopards left in the wild. Beavers live in places with water and woody plants. They use their flat, wide tails as a four-way rudder in the water. Snow leopards mate betweenJanuary and mid-March. Snow leopards weigh 77 - 120 lbs.Females are usually about 30%smaller than males. Some people in Nepal believe that snowleopards were born to remove the sins oftheir past lives, and killing them meanstheir sins get transferred into your life. There are many other myths aboutsnow leopards. Horses live on farms with lots of flies. They swish their tails to keep the flies away. Lizards live in warm, tropicalplaces with lots of ferociouspredators. They can easilybreak off their tails to confusepredators. The snow leopards closest relative isthe tiger. Over time, the snow leopard hasevolved and changed features such as its fur color. Tigers have black and orangestripes to blend in with their dryenvironment, and snow leopards have a gray coat to blend in with their snowy environment. Snow leopards have evolvedand changed in many other ways, as well.
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