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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Scott was a black slave who had lived with his master for five years in the Illinois and Wisconsin territory. He sued for his freedom on the basis of his long residence in free territory. The Dred Scott case court decision was handed down to the Supreme Court on March 6, 1857. The Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott was a black slave and not a citizen. Hence, he could not sue in a federal court. 1850 FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW 1854 KANSAS NEBRASKA ACT SLAVERY IN THE SOUTH Passes in 1850 this federal law made it easier for slave owners to recapture runaway slaves and it also made it easier for kidnappers to take free blacks. This law became an object of hatred in the North. 1857 DRED SCOTT VS STANDFORD UNDERGROUND RAIL ROAD Was an informal network of sympathetic free blacks and a few whites that helped fugitives make their way to the North. This act repealed the Missouri Compromise, split the Louisiana Purchase into two territories, and allowed its settlers to accept or reject slavery by popular sovereignty. This act enflamed the slavery issue and led opponents to form the Republican Party. The conflicts that arose between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in the aftermath of the act’s passage led to the period of violence known as Bleeding Kansas, and helped paved the way for the American Civil War. DAILY LIFE • Slaves’ daily life varied depending on the region in which they lived• Slaves were close to half of the total population of the lower South• In the upper South, whites outnumbered slaves by more than three to one• Life on the sugar plantations was harsh,sometimes they had to work well into the night during the harvest season • Slaves that worked on the cotton plantations were forced to from sunup to sundown, six days week• Some slaves cultivated cotton and sugar,worked on boats and in mills, and built houses while others were servants and caretakers of children• The conditions under which enslaved Blacks worked varied greatly, but the great majority of them were field workers, organized in gangs, to cultivate cotton SLAVERY TREATMENT Slaves in the South were treatedlike property. Slaves suffered legal discrimination, including the right to vote. African American women had to endure the threat and the practice of sexual exploitation. Masters abused their power by torturing, killing, or raping their slaves. A large number of slaves committed acts of sabotage. Tools and agriculture implementswere deliberately broken. Barns or other outbuildings were set afire SLAVE BEHAVIOR 1831 NAT TURNER A group of slaves in Southampton County, Virginia, rebelled against their slaveholders with violence. Their leader was Nat Turner, a preacher and prophet who believed God had given him a sign that it was time to fight for freedom. RACISM Slaveholders justified slavery by the supposed mental and moral inferiorityof Africans. Whites felt superior to the African American race
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