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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Pg.239 Pg.199 Pg. 214 Pg.218 Pg.221 Pg.230 Pg.243 Pg.94-95 "I felt like I was sliding backwards.I wasn't walking on a dirt road, I was slipping across the frozen river.The sun wasn't made of fire, it was a monstrous snowball.My teethe clattered together. What was wrong with me?" "The coffeehouse," I cried. "Eliza, we'll take them to the coffeehouse." Aha Moment Memory Moment "That kept you and Polly out of trouble when you were small." Again and again "But you are so thin, liebchen" Tough Question "Don't give up hope." Words of the Wiser "Help me up stairs, Mattie," Mother said. "I need to rest." Contrast and Contradictions "People filled the street each day. On Sunday the church bells rang.Philadelphia had moved on." Contrast and Contradictions "What if she didn't come home at all?" Aha Moment a Harley Whelan project Fever 1793 Theme By: Harley Whelan Theme: You have to get through the hard times in order for the easy times to be even easier. Although it may not seem like it, I think this signpost refers to easier times in Mattie's life. This leads to theme because it refers back to easier times, and once the fever is over those times of being troubled with Mattiewill be even easier. Nathaniel is telling Mattie to not give up on hope to reunite with her mother. This leads to my theme because it is saying to try to get through this hard time without her mom, and she will have an easier time once what ever needs to happen happens. Mattie is questioning if her mom will even ever make it home. This leads to my theme because to me it is trying to say that Mattie is in a tough situation right now. Mrs. Epler is saying that Mattie is very thin, and it is because Mattie had the fever. This leads to theme because I think this is saying that it is hard for Mattie to eat when there is basically no food in Philadelphia. Ever since after Lucille got home and started to recover from the Fever she has had other people helping her. Usually she is doing everything alone. This leads to my theme because it is a troubling time that Lucille and Mattie will have to get through together. After awhile though it will get easier. The fever has passed and everything is back to normal now. This leads to theme because now that everything is back to normal times are going to be much easier. Mattie is hallucinating about the scenery around her. This lead to my theme because she is going through a rough time with her grandfather, and now she is going through a rough time. Mattie just realized that Eliza and Mattie should take Robert, William, and Nell to the coffeehouse to help them recover from the fever. This leads to my theme because it showing how taking them to the coffeehouse will make this hard time an easy time. ALos since Lucille already got the fever, this is going to be easier for Mattie and Eliza. Mattie just realized that her and Eliza should take the kids to the coffeehouse to help them recover from the fever. This leads to my theme because taking them to the coffeehouse will make helping them recover be easier. Also since Lucille already got the fever this will make it even easier for Eliza and Mattie help them recover.
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