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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Sharks Ecosystems and Habitat Human Attacks Typically, you can find mostspecies of sharks in tropicalwaters. This feature cansometimes develop a senseof attack. Sharks can live from the depths of the ocean floor, to the tip of the surface!Normally, they spend their time in open water, either patrolling the sea for a meal, or migration purposes. Most attacks happen just because it isa common mistake for sharks tosee humans as prey. This event explains why they often bitejust once, and when theyrealize the human is notfood, the attack ceases. However, we know one sharkkeeps humans in their diet.Great white sharks areknown almost everywhere,gaining their popularityfrom various attacks. Althoughsharks are seen as theenemy, humans actually kill thousands of sharkseach year. They use theirvaluable fins for severaldifferent reasons, mainlybecause they are a hugeeconomic success. Endangerment Sharks are greatlyaffected by humans, at least more than wewould think. Only a few sharksare of economic value, butwhat most fisherman valueis their dried fins. Theseare very important toChina and India, becausethey use them for income. One species calledthe scalloped hammerheadis so endangered, their actual number is unknown.The ones responsiblefor the decrease in this shark us because wehunt them. Their finsare what people hunt for,and to make matters even worse, the sharksare found easily becausethey travel in schools. Young hammerheadsare also endangered.Accidentally, they arecaptured into fishingnets and strangled.Because of this, some countries tookaction and banned shark fishing, and others are expected to follow. Food Chain In the Pacific Ocean, sharks areat the top of the food chain.To make "top dog", they have special tactics which include lying in wait, or ambushingthe prey from below. Theseskills can come in handy, butmost sharks rely on their sightand strong sense of smell. These unique features are usefulbecause they allow the sharkto sense pressure or electricwaves. A specific predatornamed the sand tiger shark willdevour each other while inthe egg sac! Even thoughthere are 80 total baby sharks,only one or sometimes twowill survive. Talk about a roughlife, even from birth! Anatomy/Adaptations Spiracle Eye Nostril Snout Mouth Labial furrows Gill openings Pectoral fin Dorsal fin spine First dorsal fin Pelvic fin Clasper (males) Anal fin Caudal keel Second dorsal fin Precaudal pit Caudal fin HEAD TRUNK TAIL Embedded in their tough skin is enamelcovered dentacles, or sharp, tooth-likestructures. They have threepairs of unpaired fins, dorsal, anal,and caudal fin. Along with those, sharksalso have two sets of paired fins, whichare called the pectoral and pelvicfins. The number of gill slits variesfrom 5 to 7. Due to lacking a swim bladder, almost all sharks must keepmoving in order to survive. The flowingwater over their lungs provides themwith the ability to float, and avoidssinking to the bottom. Did you know? 70% of a shark's brain is used for smell!Sharks can be complex yet simple whencoming to their description. Some sharksare faster than others, and mostof these fish are able to swim20 to 30 miles per hour. Somesharks that have difficultyreaching these speeds are the onesthat dwell near the dark depthsof foreign oceans. They arecoasting animals, their bodiesstout and very heavy. It wouldtake a lot of exertion for one ofthese sharks to go faster than30 miles per hour. However, the hunters who live near the surface are quick and speedy. Since they chase down their terrified prey,practice makes them perfect. Colorsof sharks can vary from reddish brown, bronze, metallic blue, gray, nearly black. Of course, there couldbe hundreds of species we have notdiscovered yet, but those are themost common pigments. If you'veever encountered a shark eitherbehind a glass wall or in the water,one feature is hidden. From early fossils of a fishcalled the Cladoselache, itis easy to tell modern sharkshave evolved. This certain sharklived more than 360 million yearsago! Their skeletons arecomposed of cartilage, andnot bone.Their torpedo-like bodies assist them in glidingthrough the water.
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