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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Sharks have a torpedo shaped bodies which come in different shaped and sizes, they can be 7 12 to50 feet.They don't even have bones instead they have a rubbery cartilage that acts like a skeleton.Theycan be different colors such as, red, brown, gray and, blue. They also have about 7 gills on each side of their bodies. Their teeth often say what kind of diet they have,some have bristles for plankton, others are razer sharp teeth for fish and small mammels. Sharks have a torpedo shaped bodies which come in different shaped and sizes, they can be 7 1/2 to50 feet.They don't even have bones instead they have a rubbery cartilage that acts like a skeleton.Theycan be different colors such as, red, brown, gray and, blue. They also have about 7 gills on each side of their bodies. Their teeth often say what kind of diet they have,some have bristles for plankton, others are razer sharp teeth for fish and small mammels. Shark populations have declined drastically overthe time of a few years.A very popular reason that rise 5% every year isshark fin soup. It is said that the only natural predator of sharks would be a larger shark.Every year about 100 million sharks are killed by people alone.Some sharks like the mako sharkare often killed for a highly prized sport. Shark populations have declined drastically overthe time of a few years.A very popular reason that rise 5% every year isshark fin soup. It is said that the only natural predator of sharks would be a larger shark.Every year about 100 million sharks are killed by people alone.Some sharks like the mako sharkare often killed for a highly prized sport. Also sharks mature very late and give birth to a few large pups. They also are very slow at growing. Sometimes it can take 2 years till the pups are born. Also sharks mature very late and give birth to a few large pups. They also are very slow at growing. Sometimes it can take 2 years till the pups are born. Sharks Modern sharks most likelyappeared about 70100million years ago. Some sharksprefer cold waters like the Arcticans Antarctica. Others prefer tropical waters.The waters ecosystems need sharksthey keep it balanced and healthy. Modern sharks most likelyappeared about 70-100million years ago. Some sharksprefer cold waters like the Arcticans Antarctica. Others prefer tropical waters.The waters ecosystems need sharksthey keep it balanced and healthy. The great white shark is believed to have a greatbig appetite for humans and would eat anything in their path. That's not entirely true. Sharks are natural hunters and eat animals like fish or mammels, such as seals. Sowhen they see you swimming in the water you seem like a hurt fish, so they think easy meal. The great white shark is believed to have a greatbig appetite for humans and would eat anything in their path. That's not entirely true. Sharks are natural hunters and eat animals like fish or mammels, such as seals. Sowhen they see you swimming in the water you seem like a hurt fish, so they think easy meal. Sharks are the predators of the sea. They have an amazing sense of smell, its is probably their best sense. They can also sense prey hiding on the ocean floor. They can also swim up to 60 miles per hour. But not all sharks eat animals some just eat plankton. Sharks are a key component to a healthy ocean ecosystem theybalance it. Their mouth is quite powerful to they have a bite 300 times more powerful then a humans Sharks are the predators of the sea. They have an amazing sense of smell, its is probably their best sense. They can also sense prey hiding on the ocean floor. They can also swim up to 60 miles per hour. But not all sharks eat animals some just eat plankton. Sharks are a key component to a healthy ocean ecosystem theybalance it. Their mouth is quite powerful to they have a bite 300 times more powerful then a humans
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