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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What Happens to Women When They are Sex Trafficked? What Happens to Women When They are Sex Trafficked? What goes on in sex trafficking? Why does sex trafficking continue to happen? double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. How a trade off works Sex trafficking prices Pimps send out scouts into cities to go see if they can find young girls who seem like a good fit to be a sex slave. They then offer them jobs like modeling in brazil or some appealing job like that. That results in these women being involuntarily signed up for being a sex slave. Another way of them getting women is finding women who are poor and in need of a job. They tell them how much money they can make if they become a sex slave and then they voluntarily sign up for the job. In Brazil the amount of money per girl is $15,000. In Kenya theamount per girl is $600. In Chilethe amount per girl $1,000. In Cambodia the amount per girl is $500. In Pakistan the amount pergirl is $342. In India the amount per girl is only $24! In the UnitedKingdom the amount per girl is $25,000. Lastly in Nigeria theamount per girl is $6,400.Some of these prices are astounding and show just how mistreated or valuedthese girls are to the pimps. The prices that these girls are sold show how much money these girls make for their pimps. This also shows us where the victims of sex trafficking are more popular is some countries over others. In the countries where the girls are only $24 they are not as popular or used as much than is countries that girls are around$25,000. Sinico, Sean. "Scope of Human Trafficking Remains Largely Unknown | Europe | DW.DE | 21.05.2007." DW.DE. Deutsche Welle, 25 July 2007. Web. 22 May 2014. Sex traffickers make a lot of money which is part of the appealto become apart of it, but that is on the side of being a pimp. Ifyou are on the other side of sex trafficking; which is being the victim. This is very common for girls between the ages of 3-28.The most common victims are girls looking for jobs in other countries or girls who are in other countries visiting. Part of the reason why sex trafficking continues to happen is because 46% ofthe pimps are people that you know. This makes it hard for people to try to distinguisha pretor from someone that you know and think that you trust. Sex trafficking is so common that people that you believe to be good people are involved with it. 25, 2012 September. "A Rising Tide Against Sex Trafficking." PBS. PBS, 25 Sept. 2012. Web. 22 May 2014. Sinico, Sean. "Scope of Human Trafficking Remains Largely Unknown | Europe | DW.DE | 21.05.2007." DW.DE. Deutsche Welle, 25 July 2007. Web. 22 May 2014. This is a story from two women, Anna and Katrina, who were sex trafficked by a women namedOlga. These women where told they could go to Ukraine for a job and where then sold to menshortly arrived in Ukriane. The actually story of what it was like with the pimp was never described due to the fact that the pimp has not been caught yet. This is what happened to themwhen they were being traded:Anna: I thought I was going to work in a shop. We were told that there are lots of women from Moldova and Russia working there. We were told that we could earn $200 a monthKatrina: She asked us to wait for a while. Then she approached us and said, Come with me. We followed her and crossed the roadAnna: There were some men at a table outside a cafe. She brought us to those men and said that one of them was the owner of the shop. She told us they were going to drive us to the apartment where we were going to stayKatrina: She talked to them in Turkish, took money from them and counted it. I saw her counting the money. I got scared. She said, Dont worry, everything is fine. Go with those men. Theyre good people. Dont worry. We guessed that she was selling us, but we hoped we were wrong. We hoped that we had misunderstood things (Katrina).
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