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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Selenium Sources SeafoodsOrgan MeatsMuscle MeatsCerealsGrain and Dairy Products Functions Selenium is an essential mineral found in small amounts in the body Works as an antioxidant, especially when combined with Vitamin E Antioxidants like Selenium help fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals Deficiency Selenium deficiency occurs when the body doesn't have enoughSelenium The antioxidant properties ofselenoproteins help preventcellular damage from free radicalsthat can cause the developmentof chronic disease such as cancerand heart disease Selenium produces biochemicalchanges that might predisposepeople who experience additionalstress to develop certainillnesses Selenium, along with other minerals,can help build up white blood cells,which boosts the body's ability to fight illnessand infection Excessive Selenium The most common clinical signsof chronically high selenium orselenosis, are hair loss,nail loss, or brittleness,other symptoms include lesionsof the skin and nervous system,skin rashes, mottled teeth, and fatigue Early indicators of excessintake are a garlic odor in the breathand a metallic taste inthe mouth Acute selenium toxicity has resulted from theingestion of misformulatedover the counter products containingvery large amounts of selenium The major food sources of seleniumin the American dietare bread, grains, meat,poultry, and fish eggs What you need daily Children 1-3: 20 mcgChildren 4-8: 30 mcg Children 9-13: 40 mcgChildren 14-18: 55 mcgAdults: 19 and older: 55 mcgPregnant women: 60 mcg Breastfeeding women: 70 mcg
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