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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Life Cycle of a Star A main sequence star, such as oursun is in its developing phaseand has not reached adulthood.It produces energy throughhydrogen molecules fusing tobecome helium in its interior.This process is called nuclearfusion, it provides energy so thatthe star won't collapse, and thelight that the star gives off. Main Sequence Nebula A nebula is a swirling cloud ofhydrogen gas and dust inspace. As this cloud collapses,a hot core is formed thatgathers dust and gas to form astar. Leftover gas and dust froma nebula can become planets,asteroids, comets, or simplyremain dust. Giants When a smaller starleaves main sequence, its coreheats up. The stars hydrogenfuel supply stars to burn upand the star expands. As it gets bigger, it cools downand becomes more luminous,this forms a giant star. Super Giants Similar to giants, super giant stars are formed when a larger main sequence star reaches maturity. It becomes much larger thana giant star as it expands.It, also, cools down and expands as it grows. White Dwarfs Neutron stars White dwarfs are the shrunkenremains of stars that used uptheir energy reserves.They are made of a super densematerial, similar to neutronstars, and they are notformed by supernovae. Black Holes Neutron stars are the products of supernovas,large celestial explosionscaused by the collapseof a large star,made up of mostly neutrons.Though small, neutronstars are extremelydense. If their gravitationalpulls were any greater, theywould form black holes. Black holes are believed tobe the remains of supermassive stars after a supernova. The gravitational pull of a blackhole is so great, that nothing can escape it. The density of the matter in a black hole cannot be measured, and they will often suck inneighboring celestial bodies,including other stars.
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