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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Christchurch Earthquake Christchurch Earthquake Name:Christchurch Earthquake. Date:The Christchurch Earthquake hit Christchurch on the 22nd February, 2011 at 12:51pm (Lunchtime.) Disaster Zone:The Christchurch Disaster Zone is 5 Kilometers South-East of Christchurch. Details/ Data/ Other Statistics:Many individuals died from the Christchurch Earthquake, when two large buildings collapsed. 115 individuals died when the six-storey Canterbury Television building in Madras Street collapsed. 18 individuals died when the four-storey Pyne Gould Corporation building in Cambridge Terrace collapsed. 169 individuals died in the Central City and 16 individuals in other parts of Christchurch died. Damage After The Christchurch Earthquake/ Damage:After the Christchurch Earthquake, Christchurch was divided into four Zones, they include:The 1st Zone, was referred to as the Green Zone. This is the Zone that could still be built on, with no problems.The 2nd Zone, was referred to as the Orange Zone. This is the Zone that needed checks on it, before it can be rebuilt on.The 3rd Zone, was referred to as the White Zone. This is the Zone that has not yet been rechecked yet. If you tried to rebuild on this Zone, it would be difficult and unstable.The 4th and final Zone, was referred to as the Red Zone. This is the Zone that is all the other Zones combined.After the Christchurch Earthquake, Water Pipes, Sewage Pipes, Roads, Bridges, Power Lines, Cell Phone Towers, Pipes and Ordinary Phone Lines were broken and damaged.Many Stone Brick buildings in Christchurch were damaged and about 10, 000 buildings had to be demolished. Many individuals had to use Portable Toilets and get their Water from Tankers, Months after the Christchurch Earthquake. Size Of The Christchurch Earthquake/ Magnitude/ Depth:The Christchurch Earthquake was 6.3 in Magnitude and 5 Kilometers in Depth. Death Rates:The Christchurch Earthquake killed 185 individuals and left 164 individuals injured. Epicenter/ Maximum Intensity:The Epicenter of the Christchurch Earthquake is 43.58 Degrees South, 172.86 Degrees East.The Maximum Intensity of the Christchurch Earthquake is MM 9. What Happened:The Christchurch Earthquake caused caused Rock Falls, Lamdslides, Liquefaction, Damaged and Demolished buildings, Damaged Pipes, Damaged Lands, Demolished Sewage Pipes and Lose of Water to Places and Areas. Science Of Why It Happened:The Christchurch Earthquake was causedby the Earthquake that hit on the 4th September, 2010 and the clashing of the Tectonic Plates.After the Christchurch Earthquake and every Earthquake, Liquefaction is formed. Liquefaction is underground water in the soil, which comes to the Surface. Liquefaction appears as thick muddy slush, which causes everything to sink into the Earth. For the Christchurch Earthquake, the Liquefaction caused many Roads, Footpaths, Bridges, Schools, Houses and other Places to flood and sink into the Earth. After The Christchurch Earthquake:Ten Minutes after the Christchurch Earthquake hit, there was ten Aftershocks, with Magnitudes of four or more. Who Helped After The Christchurch Earthquake:The groups that helped clean up the mess after the Christchurch Earthquake, are referred to as:Farmy Army - The Farmy Army was made up of 800 Farmers, which brought their Farming Machines and Muscles.The UCSA Student Volunteer Army – The UCSA Student Volunteer Army was made up of 10, 000 University Students and others. They worked over a period of Months, to help clean up Liquefaction. The Rangiora Earthquake Express – The Rangiora Earthquake Express was made up of Service Manned by 1, 000 Volunteers that Helicoptered and drove in 45 Tones of Food and other Supplies, to the badly affected Eastern parts of Christchurch.Rescue Crews - The Rescue Crews come from all over the World. For Example: Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Australia and other Countries. Quotes From Survivors After The Christchurch Earthquake:"It makes the September one just a tiny ripple here. Without exaggeration, we all thought it was maybe a 10 because literally the whole house moved. We were thrown against the wall, thrown around the room, just absolutely terrifying." - Chris Brown from Lyttelton."I was on the fourth floor and I was just coming out of the toilets and I got thrown backwards, down and landed into the third floor. I didn't really know what happened and then I heard some people screaming out which were on the second or third floor and managed to pull them out. There was a guy on the second floor that was covered to his waist with concrete and stuff. Oh God, I've never seen anything like it in my life." - Todd Lynch."A lady grabbed hold of me to stop falling over ... It's not nice at all. We just got blown apart. Colombo Street, the main street, is just a mess ... There's lots of watereverywhere, pouring out of the ground. It's liquefaction, it's an absolute mess." - Christchurch Resident."We were in a meeting when the quake started and it wasn't long before it was phenomenally disorientating. There were about 10 of us on the fifth floor and we couldn't get out anywhere. It was hard to tell what had happened, but it wasn't long before we realised we were close to the ground, and the roof had fallen in and people on the street just came to help us, came to pull us out of the wreckage." - Pip Ramby, Rescued from the Canterbury Television Building."It was extremely violent. I was sitting there with a friend and the building just like exploded. It was like a movie. It took two or three seconds to comprehend what was going on ... and then we ran onto the street and the front fell out of the building right in front of me." - Lyttelton Resident."It was just scary. [The cathedral], it just came down, like shit, within about two seconds. Unbelievable, unbelievable." - Christchurch Resident."It was very, very strong, I was up on the top floor of the council building and I got thrown quite a distance. I got down to the street, scenes of great confusion, some very, very upset people, a lot of people crying. I know of people in our building that have been injured."- Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker."I was in the square right outside the cathedral - the whole front has fallen down and there were people running from there. There were people inside as well." - Camera Technician John Gurr."It was awful. It was the most frightening thing I've ever experienced. My husband wasn't in the house, he was outside and he had been thrown into the vegetable garden." - Jan on Radio New Zealand."We watched the cathedral collapse out our window while we were holding onto the walls. Every aftershock sends us rushing under the desks. It's very unnerving but we can clearly see there are other priorities out the window." - Gary Moore."It's huge, it's just huge. I just don't know whether there are people under this rubble." - Christchurch Priest."I'm trapped under here and I have no idea what's happening. I can hear [my co-workers] at times yelling for help but we're just stuck waiting. It's really hard." - Anne Voss, an Australian Trapped in the Pyne Gould Building."We may well be witnessing New Zealand's darkest day. This is an absolute tragedy for this city, for New Zealand, for the people we care so much about. People are just sitting on the side of the road, their heads in their hands. This is a community that is absolutely in agony." - NZ Prime Minister John Key."When the shaking had stopped I looked out of the window, which gives a great view onto Christchurch, and there was just dust. It was evident straight away that a lot of buildings had gone." - City Councillor Barry Corbett."It seemed to go on for a long time, paintings fell off the wall, glasses smashed, people were crying, plaster fell in - the roof fell in." - Francesca Mold, at the Airport. We may have no Home, though at least we stick together! Before After Before After Landslides Before After
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