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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Can someone with Schizophrenialive a meaningful and productive lifewithout medication? People with Schizophrenia can live a productive life without medication, but it will be difficult and they will need support from friends and family. People with Schizophrenia can live a productive life without medication, but it will be difficult and they will need support from friends and family. Symptoms: What is Schizophrenia? 1 (800) 950-6264 There is an equalchance of men and women gettingschizophrenia, normally appearing between the ages of 16 and 30 John Forbes Nash, Jr.1928-Present Hi! I'm John Nash. I had severe Schizophrenia and often took heavy medication to prevent it. The meds made things worse though, so I decided to stop.I learned to live with my demons and I went on to win the Noble Prize! All with the help of my family. More Information and Resources on Schizophrenia: What Can YOU Do? Treatments include anti-psychotics (cures hallucinations and cracks in reality) and psychotherapy (helps patients practice ignoring the visions and normal thinking and behavior). Schizophrenia is when there are unusual balances in the brainschemicals (like dopamine and other neurotransmitters, which control mood, memory and processing information), structure, and circuitry (there could be problems in processing and relaying messages between brain cells, which leads to problems inputting and processing information). People who have a history of Schizophrenia in their family are more prone to it. Positive Symptoms: - Hallucinations- Delusions- Motor problems- Thought disorders (depression, etc.) Negative Symptoms: - Lack of emotion- Monotone voice- Inappropriate reactions - Introverted, not interested in life Cognitive Symptoms: - Short term memory loss- Problems processing information- Trouble focusing, short attention span If you have a loved one with Schizophrenia orknow someone who does, the best thing you can do is be there for them. Schizophrenics often resort to drugs for help because theyfeel isolated. Show your understanding and faith in them. Support them in their treatments and their journey. Let them know they are not alone!Love really is the best medicine. As many as 51 million people in the worldare afflicted with Schizophrenia People often think that Schizophrenics are violent,but this is wrong. They are much more likely to harm themselves. Violence isn't an effect of Schizophrenia.
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