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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 for a predefined infographic start by dragging a theme onto the canvas OBJECTS drag and drop icons,shapes, text or upload your own from our extensive library of artwork when your ready donot forget to save your visual. Sam Houston 1806, Sam moves to Tennessee because of hisfathers death. March 2, 1793Sam Houston isborn in RockbridgeCounty, Virginia. March 1818- Dec.1818Sam studies Law. March 1, 1813 - March 1,1818Sam Houstonjoins the army. 1823 Sam is electedto the U.S. house of Reps.. 1827Sam is elected thegovernor of Tennessee. Sam marries Eliza Allenbut they divorce3 months later. After thisSam resigns his job as govenor.Then a few monthslater he marries Tiana Rodgers. 1827Sam is elected thegovernor of Tennessee. Sam marries Eliza Allenbut they divorce3 months later. After thisSam resigns his job as govenor.Then a few monthslater he marries Tiana Rodgers. 1832Sam divorcesTiana Rogers.Dec.Sam fights in thebattle of San Antonio. 1831Sam's mother dies. 1836Sam fights in theBattle of the Alamoand in the Battle of San Jacinto and winsTexas' independence. 1836-1838Sam Houston serves as thenew country's first president. 1840 Sam gets marriedfor the last timeand has a happymarriage withMargaret Lea. 1842-1844Sam is reelectedto office as presidentand works toward getting Texas apart of theUnited States of America. 1845From Sams hardwork Texas is finally declared apart of the USA. 1846-1848.The Mexican war occurs because of the independence of Texas.But in the the US wins and claims present-day California and most of southwest Mexican territory. July 26, 1863 Sam Houston diesin Huntsville, Texasat the age of 70. 1849 - 1863Sam is the governorof Texas for 14 years. By: Whitney Stewart
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