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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 "Web analytic's is the study of the online visitor experience, in order to improve it" 93% Digital Media Metrics & Analytic's SOCIAL MEDIA Followers on Twitter of business usesocial media as a marketing tool A sales promotion where for 12 days a different item in the online club shop will be on sale with a 15% dicountTo measure the performanceof this campaign, the ROI(return on investment) metricwill be used. This will identifyhow much sales and revenuethe campaign is generating. A tool to measure this effectively would be SOURCE METRICS due to the nature of the e-commercecampaign. Qualman (2012) BENEFITS CHALLENGES "A prerequisite for managing social media is their effective measurement" CASE STUDY METRIC YORKSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB '12 days of Christmas' ANALYTIC TOOL Follower growth by channel Provides insight to which social media platform is best performing (Afshar,(2013) Follower growth may notbe an accurate reflectionof active followers, engaging with content Social Bakers ( Percentage of engaged followers by measuring social interactions Sprout Social( Provides insight to % of active followers engaging regularly enabling opportunities to build rapport, (Afshar, 2013) Difficult to measure,Lack of understanding,how to proceed or execute, (marketingsherpa, 2012) Source Metrics( Cost to acquire a customer (CAC)(See case study) Enables the club to measure the profitability of time periods socampaigns can be measuredin terms of income generated.. 44.5K Followers on Twitter 34K Likes onFacebook 602 Subscribers to YouTube channel Sam O'Donnell & Dale Burgess WEBSITE METRIC ANALYTIC TOOL BENEFITS CHALLENGES EMAIL METRIC BENEFITS CHALLENGES In 2013 YCCC redeveloped their website to enhance the experience for their customers, particularly those accessing through smartphones.Previously the site was hard to navigate around on mobiles i.e. the size and format of the page was disjointed and out of proportion. The new mobile friendly layout was designed by web design company PARALLAX and was introduced to accommodate the huge proportion of customers using smartphones instead of PCs to access the site. Mobile traffic measurement Direct indicator of thesuccess of website redevelopment. Average pageviews per visit Gives a greater insightinto how fans engage on the website and whichpages are most popular. Statistics could be mis-leading as higher page viewsper visit may indicate the website is difficult to findwhat they desire. Rate of return vistors Indicates that consumerswant to partake in more ofYCCC's content, leading to more conversions and sales. Also potentially misleading as fans could be returning due to their failure to find appropriate content during their last visit. 29 Hours spent online per person per monthin the UK. (Neilson, 2014) 34K Hours spend on mobiledevices per person per month in the UK(Nielsen,2014) Measures the relevance of emails received by fans andthe effectiveness of campaign. Can also determine the subject line of email May not be an accuratereflection on engagementas fans may not actuallybe reading the emailafter opening it. Talk about things that matter, when they matter ENGAGE ATTRACT Find the right audience CONVERT Get them to take the action you want. RENEW Create loyalty and keepthem coming back. El - Shinnawy (2013) Email Campaign Lifecycle Enables the club to identifyweaknesses in campaigns and alter content for future communications. Time could be a challengeas material would need tobe evaluated and altered. Email open rate Unsubscribe rate Marked as SPAM Provides data on which fansare most engaged and whether the content is relevantand interesting for the consumer. Difficult to identify the reason people are SPAMMING the email. May not be due to content. www.yorkshireccc.com 1.1 Billion Active Facebook users every month 288 Million Active Twitter users every month Global Index Study (2013) Global Index Study (2013) 814m People accessing the internet via a Smartphone In a bid to engage regularly with fans and to send marketingcommunications to the massesYorkshire CCC have implemented a free opt in newsletter service where fans can opt in via the website.The newsletter informs people of the latest club news, match reportsand latest ticket offers. In order for the email campaign to be successful, constant maintenanceand measurement must be completed to ensure the content is relevant and that people are engaging with the newsletter determining the success of the campaign. The email campaign life cycle is a model Yorkshire CCC could use in order to maximize the benefits from the campaign. CASE STUDY Email Newsletter 6 Billion Hours of video watched on YouTubeevery month Global Index Study (2013) REFERENCES Qualman, E (2013), Socialnomics. [Electronic Resource] : How Social Media Transforms The Way We Live And Do Business, n.p.: Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2013. Peters, K (2013), Social Media Metrics — A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Volume 27, Issue 4, Pages 281 – 298 Google Analytics Spring Traffic may not reflectengagement. Global Index Study. (2014). Social Media Statistics and Facts of 2013. Available: [Accessed 07/12/2014]. CASE STUDY Website Redevelopment Mason, KJ (2013), Social Media Statistics and Facts 2013, [Online]. Available from: [] [Accessed 11/12/14]. Yorkshire County Cricket Club. (2014). Homepage. Available: [Accessed 07/12/2014] Parralax. (2014). Our Work. Available:[Accessed 07/12/2014]. Yorkshire County Cricket Club. (2014). 12 Days of Christmas. Available: [Accessed 07/12/2014]. Yorkshire County Cricket Club. (2014). 12 Days of Christmas. Available: [Accessed 07/12/2014]. Income may have been generated through a differentrevenue source. 'In 2013, 36 million adults (73%) in Great Britain accessed the Internet every day, 20 million more than in 2006, when directly comparable records began' Office for National Statistics (2013) Office for National Statistics . (2013). Internet Access - Households and Individuals. Available: Last accessed 07/12/2014. Jantch, J (2012). 10 Smartest Web Analytic Tools. Available: Last accessed 07/12/2014. Marketing Sherpa (2013) Marketing Analytics Benchmark Report, Strongview [Internet] Available from: accessed 07.12.14 57% of businesses use e-mail marketing analytic software (Marketing Sherpa 2012) USEFUL WEBSITES Global Index Study (2013)
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