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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 SYNTHROID -LEVOTHYROXINE DOSAGE ABSORPTION In patients w/:Untreated subclinical/overt thyrotocicosisAcute myocardialinfractionUncorrected adrenalinsufficiencyHypersensitivity to any of the inactiveingredients used SPECIAL POPS. CLINICAL STUDIES INDICATIONS The majority isabsorbed from thejejunum and upper ileum. (40-80%) Primarily eliminatedby the kidneys.About 20% of T4is eliminated in thestool. Urinary excretion of T4< w/age. NewbornsInfants/ChildrenPubertyPregnancy Studies have shownthat it is effectiveas long as largedoses are notprescribed. Kylie Larzelere | Pharmacology | Period 7 ADMINISTRATION Primary (thyroidal)Secondary (pituitary)Tertiary (hypothalamic) DISTRIBUTION CONTRA-INDICATORS WARNINGS Should not beused to treat:Obesity Weight lossMale/Female infertilityPts. w/ nontoxic diffuse goiter/nodular thyroid diseaseElderly pts. w/underlyingcardiovascular diseses COST: 25 mcg (0.025 mg) $84.05 for 90 tabs50 mcg (0.05 mg) $29.16 for 30 tabs75 mcg (0.075 mg) $29.93 for 30 tabs ACTION EXCRETION Synthroid is a replacement for a hormonenormally produced by your thyroid gland to regulatethe body's energy and metabolism. It is given when the thyroid does not produce enough of this hormone on its own. Is a hromonereplacement that helps in treating hypothyrodism. It is given in theform of a capsule. It should be swallowed whole with a glass ofwater and taken 1hour before eating in the morning. Circulating thyroid hormones are > 99% bound to plasma proteins: thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), thyroxine-binding pre albumin (TBPA), and albumin (TBA), whose capacities and affinities vary for each hormone. METABOLISM 0-3 months 10-15mcg/kg/day3-6 months 8-10mcg/kg/day6-12 months 6-8mcg/kg/day1-5 years 5-6mcg/kg/day6-12 years 4-5mcg/kg/day> 12 years but growth and puberty incomplete 2-3mcg/kg/dayGrowth and puberty complete 1.7mcg/kg/day50>1.7 mcg/kg/day50< 25-50 mcg/day75> 12.5-25 mcg/daysevere cases 12.5-25 mcg/day Sequential deiodination.Liver: major site of degradation for both T4 and T3.T4 deiodinated also occurs in the kidneys and other tissues. T4-LevothyroxineT3-Levo-triiodothy-ronine
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