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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Set the warehouse according to 1. Department2. Brand3. Category (Top/Bottom)4. Style wise Replenish Color block the merchandise and display size wise Layer and accessorize mannequins and face-outs Greet every customer proactively Identify the opportunities to Up sell or Cross sell Start with mid range Show 4 to 5 options PPM knowledgeAdjectivesFabric knowledgePricing benefit Color co-ordinationClever dressing tipsOutfit creation Encourage trial If customer is not ready to interact, allow to browse and do not follow Create interest in other products Offer Perfect Trial Room Service - 12 steps Thank and invite back Time your Upsell/Cross sell after you identify the opportunity STAR STAR Display Replenish the stock minimum 3 times a day Display Greet If customer is ready to interact, understand his/her needs by asking questions Understand the Occasion, Color and Fit preference and required Size Create fantastic one liners of Style and Benefit statements from... Explain Fabric featuresWeavesWashesPrintDetailing Inform the wash care instructions Thank 1. Offer min. 4 to 5 options with a co-ordinate2. Offer 2 sizes - 1 up and 1 down3. Escort the customer to the trial room4. Inform that you are standing outside for any help5. Check whether the customer liked the fit, color,etc6. Offer options to layer and accessorize7. Compliment the look8. Look for buying signals9. Reinforce style/benefit statement10. Handle any objections11. Involve family members/friends12. Ask for sale Behaviours to improve your KPIs - Conversion, Basket and Ticket size Understand Suggest Enquire about Pay Back Green Card Approach the customer from an angle Create the co-ordinated look and outfit Super Fashion Assistant Super Fashion Assistant Display premium merchandise on walls and mannequins Highlight best features Approach again when the customer is ready to interact ABCRE 2014 SSFA. All information contained in this document is intellectual property of ABCRE. Storage, reproduction or transmission either in full or in part of this material is a violation of intellectual property.
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