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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Stock Market Game Munster High SchoolMr. FortnerTegan MurphyTeam 375 Total Invested ($)- $56,639.90Remaining Balance ($)- $43,769.73Overall Unrealized Gains/Losses ($) $ 0.00Total Equity Gains ($) - Net Equity Gaines ($) - $409.63Percent Return (%) -0.41 % Name of Company - NikeTicker - NKEPurchase Price- $85.86Number of Shares (Total) -165Ending Price (as of 12/5/14) - $96.01Gains or Losses ($) $934.30 As a group, we decided to strategically invest our initial amount of $100,000 in to stable stocks. Though we only invested in 11 different stocks, these stocks consisted of a variety of large businesses and corporations. Eight of them are associated with the New York Stock Exchange while, the three others are cooperative with the NASDAQ stock exchange. Our strategy was simply based on rational investments. We were to also invest on an accordingly schedule and in consideration to others investing on the team. If our group were to play the Stock Market Game again, we would take a more eager approach. Our strategic views were rational and cost effective, however as a group, we did lack persistency in buying numerous shares and were essentially too hesitant. If the Stock Market Game were to be longer, we would have eventually created more effective ideas. Nonetheless, these mistakes were due to us being first time players; if given another chance, we would correct our mistakes. Leading to a more successful path than our first. I personally decided to invest in the stock of world popular athletic apparel company Nike.I decided that this would be a smart investmentwhen looking at the strategy we developed ofinvesting in stable stocks. Nike is a companythat while relatively inexpensive, usually stayswithin the same range everyday. Nike overall playeda big part in keeping our team fairly stable.
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