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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Serial Killer Serial Killer Definition: Serial killer - is a person who murders three or more people, in at least three separate events, with a "cooling off" period between kills. Mass murders - people who murder 4 or more people at the same time (or in a short period of time) , in the same place. There is no "cooling off" period. Spree killers - people who murder in multiple locations and within a short period of time. Serial killer - usualy work alone and they kill for the sake of killing (as opposed to crime of passion). The difference between mass murders, spree killers, and serial killers. The difference between mass murders, spree killers, and serial killers. - The term serial killer was invented in the mid-1970's by Robert Ressler, the director of the FBI,s violent Criminal Apprehension program. - He chose "serial" because the police in England called these types of murders "crime in a series". The Name The Name In serial murder cases, victims die as the offender momentarily gains control of his or her life by controlling others. 18% Neglect 18% - Neglect 26% - Sexual abuse 36%- Physical abuse 50%-Psycholgical abuse 68%- Some maltreatment 32%-No reportedabuse Majority experienced abuse as children Majority experienced abuse as children Motivation for killing Motivation for killing Obtaining money$ Experiencing the thrill A sense of power A desire to rid the world of evildoers Studies show that child abuse is more prevalent among serial killers than in society in general. FBI study FBI study - According to FBI study, there have been approximately 400 serial killers in the U.S. in the past century, with anywhere from 2,525 to 3,860 victims. - No way of really knowing how many serial killer are really active at any point in time. - Serial murders have increased over the past 30 years . - 80% of the 400 serial killers of the past century have emerged since 1950. The MacDonald Trial The MacDonald Trial - Often serial killers exhibit 3 behaviors in childhood known as the MacDonald: bed-wetting, arson and cruelty to animals - Often come from broken families. - Some are shy and introverted, others are gregarious and outgoing but actually feel very isolated. - Many theorists point to the troubled chialdhoods of serial killer as a possible reason for their actions. categories and attributes image here! ^ Classifications - Serial killers can be either act-focused ( who kill quickly) or process-focused ( who kill slowly). Act-focused -Visionary murders - because he hears voices or has visions that direct him to do so. - Missionary murders - murders because he believes he is meant to get rid of a certain group of people. Process-focused - They most likely kill during periods of stress. - After killing, they feel temporarily relived. - Get enjoyment from torture and the slow death of their victims. - These include 3 different types of hedonists - lust, thrill, and gain - and power seeking killers. - Lust killers drive sexual pleasure from killing. - Thrill killers get a "kick" from it. - Gain killers murder because they belive they will proit in some way. - Power killers wish to "play God" or be in charge of life and death. Psychopathic tendancies may be hereditary! Scientist believe that the makings of a psychopath require three ingredients: 1.) Genetic makeup 2.) Brain patterns3.) Chialdhood abuse or violence - Studies show that serial killers never develop a sense of attachment and belonging to the world. - The lack of development means serial killers do not empathize with their victims. - They do not develop emotional attachment to their victims which allows them to " experiment" on them. In the brain In the brain Chromosomes - Chromosome abnormality is a likely trigger. - Chromosome abnormality begins to express itself during puberty. - Serial killers (mostly men) begin to display their homicidal tendancies during puberty. Low orbital cortex activity - "People with low orbital cortex activity are either free - wheeling types or sociopaths." - Jim Fallon - Low activity of the orbital cortex means less normal suppression of behaviors such as rage, violence, eating, sex, and drinking. Are all of them "insane" or even mentaly ill Are all of them "insane" or even mentaly ill? 911 911 - Some serial killers plead "not guilty by reason of insanity" as a defense. - According to the U.S. Code, an insanity defense means that at the time of the commission of acts constituting the offense, the defendant , as a result of a severe disease or defect, was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts. Mental disease or defect does not otherwise constitute a defense. - A serial killer arguing "not guilty by reason of insanity" must prove that he did not understand right from wrong at the time that he killed. - Only 2 serial killers have successfully pled insanity. - Serial killer have been diagnosed by psychologist and psychiatrists as psychopaths. - Oficial term - antisocial personality disorder (APD) - To this there are three factors;1) "Failure to conform to social norms"2) "Irritability and aggressiveness"3) "Lack of remorse" - Psychopaths are not insane, they do know right from wrong. Brain damage Brain damage - Some researchers theorize that serial killers have brain damage. - Damage to areas like the frontal lobe, the hypothalamus and the limbic system can cause aggression, loss of control, violence, and loss of judgement. - Brain damage could of been caused by: Childhood malnutrition and/or alcoholism.Examples^ How are serial killers caught? - A serial killer keep killing until one of 4 things happen: he is caught, he dies, he kills himself, or he burns out. - Investigating the crime scene and preforming an autopsy are routine steps. Once all information is gathered, it can be entered into a nationwide database run by the FBI, as part of VICAP ( Violent Criminal Apprehension Program).- This program can help to determine pattens, or signatures, thatlink separate homicides. Signature Signature - A signature is a ritual, something the serial killer does intently for emotional satisfaction - Some serial killers pose their victims in a certain way or leave them in a certain place after killing them. Another signature might be a method of torture and mutilation. - It is what the killer does to fulfill his vision and it can tell investigators a lot about his personality MO MO AKA - Modus Operandi - Investigators also look at the MO of the crime. - MO reflects what the killer had to do to commit the crime.This includs the way the killer restrains his victim to how he kills. - Asks MO can change over time. Killers learn from past mistakes and improve with time Profilling 911 CALL 911 Ted Bundy was one of the first sirial killers to be profield! Was caught at a routine traffic stop. Ted Bundy was one of the first sirial killers to be profield!- Was caught at a routine traffic stop. - Determining the signature and the MO are both aspects of profiling. - Studies by psychologists, psychiatrists, and info glen from past serial murders go into the profile, with crime-scene info, and witness statements. - If the crime scene shows evidence of carful planning, the killer is likely to be intelligent and older. - If the victim was mutilated in a very disorganized way, the killer probably is schizophrenic and has an unkept look. - Profiles are not 100 percent accurate, but they are found to be very close. Most researchers agree that there is no wayto "cure" a serial killer. - Once the profile is completed investigators can look at the existing list of suspects and determine which are most likely to have committed the crime and determine how best to capture him. - Not all serial killers are caught! - Some are arrested or picked up for other crimes, and evidance leads invesigators to their murders. - Once convicted most serial killers either spend their lives in prison or executed if the death penalty exists in their state.
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