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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Serial Killer Serial Killer Definition: Serial killer - is a person who murders three or more people. in at least three separate events, with a "cooling off" period between kills. Mass murders - people who murder 4 or more people at the same time (or in a short period of time) , in the same place. There is no "cooling off" period. Spree killers - people who murder in multiple locations and within a short period of time. Serial killer - usualy work alone and they kill for the sake of killing (as opposed to crime of passion). The difference between mass murders, spree killers, and serial killers. The difference between mass murders, spree killers, and serial killers. - The term serial killer was invented in the mid-1970's by Robert Ressler, the director of the FBI,s violent Criminal Apprehension program. - He chose "serial" because the police in England called these types of murders "crime in a series". The Name The Name In serial murder cases, victims die as the offender momentarily gains control of his or her life by controlling others. 18% Neglect 18% - Neglect 26% - Sexual abuse 36%- Physical abuse 50%-Psycholgical abuse 68%- Some maltreatment 32%-No reportedabuse Majority experienced abuse as children Majority experienced abuse as children Motivation for killing Motivation for killing Obtaining money$ Experiencing the thrill A sense of power A desire to rid the world of evildoers Studies show that child abuse is more prevalent among serial killers than in society in general. FBI study FBI study - According to FBI study, there have been approximately 400 serial killers in the U.S. in the past century, with anywhere from 2,525 to 3,860 victims. - No way of really knowing how many serial killer are really active at any point in time. - Serial murders have increased over the past 30 years . - 80% of the 400 serial killers of the past century have emerged since 1950. The MacDonald Trial The MacDonald Trial - Often serial killers exhibit 3 behaviors in childhood known as the MacDonald: bed-wetting, arson and cruelty to animals - Often come from broken families. - Some are shy and introverted, others are gregarious and outgoing but actually feel very isolated. - Many theorists point to the troubled chialdhoods of serial killer as a possible reason for their actions. categories and attributes image here! ^ Classifications - Serial killers can be either act-focused ( who kill quickly) or process-focused (who kill slowly). Act-focuse d -Visionary murders - because he hears voices or has visions that direct him to do so. - Missionary murders - murders because he believes he is meant to get rid of a certain group of people. Process-focuse d - They most likely kill during periods of stress. - After killing, they feel temporarily relived. - Get enjoyment from torcher and the slow death of their victims. - These include 3 different types of hedonists - lust, thrill, and gain - and power seeking killer. - Lust killers drive sexual pleaser from killing. - Thrill killer get a "kick" from it. - Gain killers murder because they believe they will profit in some way. - Power killers wish to "play God" or be in charge of life and death. Psychopathic tendancies may be hereditary!
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