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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Eastwood Public School 2014-15 DISORGANIZED THINKING SOCIAL WITHDRAWAL Our 4 Guiding Assumptions School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well Being EQAO results over time illustrates an implementationdip followed by steady increases in performance inGrade 3 and 6 over 5 years. Percentage of writers achieving level 3 or 4 on the Provincial Standards based assessment. Indicators of Eastwood School Effectiveness Whole Group Inquiry andIndependent Small Group Instructional PracticesFacilitate Learning FACTS Last Year our writing focus shone on Math and Science Reading Writing 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Mathematics Eastwood Educators believe that learning is a permanent change in behaviourand thinking. We assume that these 4 conditions must be present for true and meaningful learning. Why Metacognition? Individual 4 Inquiries as Learning Mechanisms. Mindsets in the Classroomby Mary Cay Ricci Calm, Assertive and Learning by Stuart Shanker Number Talks by Sherry Parrish Mentor TextsProvoke Learning 3 Teaching and learningin the 21st Century iscollaborative, innovativeand creative within aglobal context. Instruction and assessmentare differentiated in responseto student strengths,needs and prior learning. Curriculum, Teaching and Learning4.3 Curriculum, Teachingand Learning4.5 Curriculum, Teachingand Learning4.4 Learning is deepened throughauthentic, relevant and meaningful student inquiry. 83% Average number ofpupils hitting benchmark in 2014! double click to change this header text! We believe that the first step in owning learning is having cultivating our innate awareness ofourselves as learners. Engaging metacognition, cognitive strategies and using cognitive promptsbuild this sense. In order to move from awareness to reflective practice (assessment) our learners must identify as true learners. Our Mindsets and our student Mindsets are essentialto the amount that we can challenge ourselves as learners. 6 We have used Wiggin's and McTighe's 6 Facets of Understanding to frame our learning.Explaination, Interpretation, Application, Perspective, Empathy, Self Knowledge If we use comprehension strategies and metacognitive prompts to access student understanding then students will be reasonable and efficient in planning and solving math problems. If we integrate dance into our science units learning then students will gain deeper understanding of the content and orally communicate with considerable understanding. The Professional Learning Cycle If we incorporate the inquiry process into our content areas (history, geography, science) then students will gain deeper levels of understanding, own learning and develop problem solving/research skills. 5 If educators support students and empower students to self-regulate through the use of metacognitive strategies then they will identify themselves as learners (readers, writers, mathematicians). If we explicitly teach learning skills and work habits and incorporate Tribes, then students will collaborate and self-regulate to increase achievement. As We Learn together ourAction-Reflection Cyclealigns with our LearningNeeds. Collaboration throughdialogue, about learning, improves StudentAcheivement. Our Efficacy Improves as weare challenged throughlearning.. Risk and Mistakes areEssential to Learning atEastwood.
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