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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The gulf between those living affluent lifestyles& those living in poverty in the UK has widenedover the last few decades & the concern is that this poses an increased threat to health as wellas raising issues of social justice. Up to 23 of lesbianwomen found to suffer from depression Up to 2/3 of lesbianwomen found to suffer from depression Gay, lesbian or bisexualyoung people are 611xmore likely to attemptsuicide than theirheterosexual peers Gay, lesbian or bisexualyoung people are 6-11xmore likely to attemptsuicide than theirheterosexual peers People with mental healthproblems are 2x more likelyto die from heart diseaseand 4x more likely to die from respiratory diseasethan general population People with mental healthproblems are 2x more likelyto die from heart diseaseand 4x more likely to die from respiratory diseasethan general population The Office for National Statistics (2010) stated 52% of disabled people between the ages of 16 and 64 are economically inactive. Compared to a figure of 23% for the general population - In other words, you are more than twice as likely not to have a job if you have a disability AfroCaribbeansuspects are 6x morelikely than whitesuspects to receive longer sentences & to be in prison in the criminal justice system Afro-Caribbeansuspects are 6x morelikely than whitesuspects to receive longer sentences & to be in prison in the criminal justice system Mental Health & Inequality Mental Health & Inequality Relatively, a greater numberof women experience depressionand anxiety than men. Women may seek help more readilythan men, who tend to under report these issues Relatively, a greater numberof women experience depressionand anxiety than men. Women may seek help more readilythan men, who tend to under report these issues AfroCaribbean people have a 60%higher rate of depression than white people, with AfroCaribbean men at twice the rateof white men Afro-Caribbean people have a 60%higher rate of depression than white people, with Afro-Caribbean men at twice the rateof white men World Health Organisationremoved homosexuality from its official list of mental illnesses World Health Organisationremoved homosexuality from its official list of mental illnesses Depression amongst gay men is as much as 8x general population Depression amongst gay men is as much as 8x general population 1993 Alcohol and drug misuse levels are higher in men, althoughthese rates are increasing in women. Suicide rate amongstmen is nearly 3x that for women. Suicide is one of the leadingcauses of death in young men. Alcohol and drug misuse levels are higher in men, althoughthese rates are increasing in women. Suicide rate amongstmen is nearly 3x that for women. Suicide is one of the leadingcauses of death in young men. Thirty percent of mentalhealth inpatients are aged 65+ and 18% of people aged 85+ have poor psychosocial wellbeing.   Incidence of attempted suicide & self harm amongst young Asianwomen is higher than it is amongst their English counterparts Incidence of attempted suicide & self harm amongst young Asianwomen is higher than it is amongst their English counterparts Black & minorityethnic people whodeclare their mentalhealth problems speakof experiencing racism& discrimination ona recurrent basis Black & minorityethnic people whodeclare their mentalhealth problems speakof experiencing racism& discrimination ona recurrent basis (Counselling Directory 2014), (Eibner et al. 2004), (Myers et al. 2005),NHS Scotland (2008), (O'Donoghue 2010), (Thomson 2014) Disproportionately high numbers of people from minority ethniccommunities are subject to compulsory treatment and admissionto mental health hospital in-patient units 2/3 Pakastani participants of a 2006 report felt that public perception& media portrayal of their culture was affecting their mental health. 2/3 Pakistani participants of a 2006 report felt that public perception& media portrayal of their culture was affecting their mental health Disproportionately high numbers of people from minorityethnic communities are subject to compulsory treatment& admission to mental health hospital in-patient units In 2014, 84% BACP Membership are women In 2014, 91% BACP Membership are white ethnicity Infographic created by Yates, J. © 2014.
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