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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Roman Politics Intro to Roman Politics Roman politics can be looselycompared to the American Governmentwe have today. There are some similarities,and this poster will tell you about them.But first, lets go through the branches ofRoman Politics Executive Branch This branch consisted of electedcivil officers, or magistrates. Eachhad their own role in this branch.They were elected by the Senate,with the exception of the censors. Consuls were the most importantmagistrates, with the exception ofthe dictator, which was elected intime of war, and only was aroundfor 6 months or less. There were twoconsuls, their were the heads of the other civil and military magistrates.Censors were the second-mostimportant, and were highly regardedin whatever state they were in. Othermagistrates were mostly concerned withwar, with the exception of the Aediles, whichwere in charge of entertainment. The praetorswere the administrators of civil law, and followed military commands. Judicial Branch The Senate/Legislative Branch Finally, we come to the Legislative Branch, or as morepeople know has, The Senate. The Senate has survived more of Rome,including the downfall of the Roman Republic, the ruling of the Barbarians,and was also established in the early days of Rome.However, during the republic of Rome, they wereweaker than the magistrates from earlier. Most ofthem preferred the rich over the poor, and the made most of the common Roman laws. They had about 600 men when Caeser said to havethat many people, but dropped to 300 later on.This can be loosely compared to the AmericanGovernment we have now. They people in the Senatewere chosen by the censors. The picture on the leftdepictes the Senate on where they normally are. They were symbolized with the symbol SPQR, which meant,The Senate and the People Not much is known about this branch, otherthan the fact is was very similar to the courts we have today, that judge criminals. They were in charge of deciding the punishments for criminals, and they made certain laws thatpeople had to follow. They had six judges, which were electedevery 6 years, and made laws that were named the "Twelve Tables". Roman Elections The Romans elected for the magistrates, most notably the Consuls. An example of thisis Caesar, who was elected because of the sheer amountof supporters he had. The other magistrates were elected, and so were some of the judges from theJudicial Branch. Consuls were elected by other people, but not slaves,women or foreigners. The censors elected some of the people in thegovernment, including the people in the senate. Emperor s Emperor were the rulers of Rome, up until the downfall of the Roman republic.They were the leaders of a state, and was the highestranking position of any of the officials. They hadvarious rights, including the decision of some ofsome things the Senate would say. They could enactpunishment on people, or revoke punishment that wereput on people. They refused to be called kings. in the 3rd century, a Roman emperor with the name of Diocletiantried to change the system of the government. The system's namewas ' The Tetrarchy'. To go into detail, the system was two co-emperorsand two junior emperors. If one of the co-emperors died, a junior emperorwould rank up and replace said co-emperor, and a new junior one wouldbe appointed. Roman Citizenship During the 1st century of Rome, citizenship was highly priced, but in AD 212,citizenship was granted to all the free men in the empire. to an extent, women, and an even further extent, slaves. Anybody with citizenship had special privileges, which includedfair trials, exemption from execution, protection from specific public punishments.Slaves got protection from the law. Assemblie s The Legislative assemblies of Rome were political institutions. They got the choiceof whether or not to elect a magistrate, carrying out punishments, the creation and dissolutions of allies and the declaration of war and peace.There were 3 assemblies and 1 council, not including the Senate. The Assembly of the Curia,the Assembly of the Tribes and the Assembly of the Centuries. The council was known asthe Plebian Council.The first assembly is the Assembly of the Curia, from what is known, is made up of the "Assembly of representatives of wards, ten each from the three original tribes of Rome".Originally the people's council the time of kings. The functions of this assembly wasassumed by the Assembly of the Centuries during 4 AD. This is the oldestassembly out of the three.The second assembly here is the Assembly of the Centuries, which was the assemblyof military units. 193 of centuries were determined by wealth, and the rich ones werethe smallest ones. It was made up of elected consuls, censors, and other magistrates.It served as court of appeal for citizens sentenced to death. The third and final assembly was the Assembly of the Tribes. It was the democratic assembly of Roman citizens. It was made up of 35 tribes,4 from the city, 16 in close proximity of the city, and 15 from beyond.The elected the financial magistrates of Rome, which were known as Quaestores.There was a sub group of this assembly known as the Plebian Council. Thiscouncil was only open to Plebians. They elected the magistrates that were onlyopen to Plebians, like the Aediles. To conclude, the Roman Government can be looselycompared to the government we have today. The closescomparison can be the Judicial and the Executive Branch.The Judicial branch can be compared to law nowadays, with judgeslaws, trials, and deciding punishments. The Executive Branch has thedifferent roles of todays government, making more of the decisions, eventhough todays government doesn't have an entertainment role.One of the biggest comparisons is that they both have a Legislative andExecutive Branch, although the Romans did not have a separate judicialbranch, as well as that Roman consuls only served for 1 year, whilepresidents are required to serve for 4 years. Another difference is thatRoman senators serve for life, while American ones only have to servefor 6 years, and another big one, is that now women can participate inpolitics, while in Rome and many other ancient government, women couldnot participate.While there are still more comparisons, I just thought these were some ofthe most important ones. I hope you learned something from here, andthanks for reading. Comparision to the Today
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