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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Romans fought in severalwars against the Goths (knownas the Gothic Wars) and theylasted for six years, from 376to 382 CE. The Roman emperorat the time, Valens, was conquered Fallof theEmpire Heightof the Empire The Roman Empire reachedits height around 117 CE. By285, it was too extensive tobe ruled by one government,so it was divided into twoempires- West and East. Officially, the Roman Empireended in 476CE, when thereign ofemperor RomulusAugustulus ended. The End of the Empire The Romans influenced many cultures still in existence today. Values,inventions, and conceptswere left behind and developed upon over thecourse of the fifteencenturies that have passedsince the fall of the RomanEmpire. Legacy &Influencesof the Empire Ancient Rome's Demise and the Trace it Left Behind In general, the Romanswere particularly advanced in several fields, such as medicine, religion, government and law, andwarfare. They also introducedthe concept of satire in literature. Some Roman inventions and innovations still in use today include: aqueducts, indoor plumbing, the Julian calendar (which was modified in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, who renamed it the Gregorian calendar), fast-drying cement, locks and keys, socks and shoes, cosmetics(makeup), public toilets, the magnifyingglass and even apartment complexes. Although 1,500 years havepassed since the demise ofAncient Rome, its culture has influenced many societies,and still does today. Above- Bust of Emperor ValensLeft- Map of the Eastern and Western EmpiresRight- Tremissis of Romulus Augustulus on August 9, 378 CE, atthe Battle of Adrianople. This event is considered a major point in the decline of the Roman Empire. Left- Aqueducts in Ancient Rome Generally, although 15to 35% of Romans diedin childhood, and mostonly lived to their mid-twenties, the fertilityrate was very high. Itwas expected that theaverage Roman womanbear 6 to 9 children. A well-known example of satirein Roman literature would be the Satires, by Quintus Horatius Flaccus (better known simplyas Horace). The Satires were a collection of poems about happiness in the human raceand literary perfection. Below: Image of QuintusHoratius Flaccus (betterknown in the English-speaking world as Horace),who was born in December65 BCE in Italy, and died inNovember 8 BCE. Above: Public toiletsin Rome from the era of the Empire.(Note: Many Romaninventions have beenadapted and alteredover time. Public toilets, clearly, areone of those things.) Left: A map of the RomanEmpire at its greatest height, in the thirdcentury CE. Pictured below is the Colosseum of Rome,arguably one of the most famouslandmarks in the world. Pictured above is a mausoleumin Ravenna, Italy, built forTheodoric the Great, the leaderof the Gothics. The Gothics werean East Germanic people who,by fighting the Gothic Warswith the Romans., heavily influenced the fall of the Roman Empire. Pictured to the left are the remains of a suit of Roman armor. The remains can be foundat a museum in Corbridge Roman Town. The artifacts pictured are almost 2000 years old. On average, a Roman soldier was about5'6" tall, so suits of armor would be a lot smaller than we would expect.
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