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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Roadmap Assignment Roadmap Assignment Studying at Seneca College is a little step to successful life.The main purpose for attending college is to get a good job in the future. A good way to become involved at Seneca isto join SSF Clubs - and International Activities - There are lots of College Servicesand Resources that Seneca studentscan use such as Experience Seneca, Seneca OneCard, Seneca Business411,Seneca ITS,Career Services, Financial Aid,Take a Virtual Tour of Seneca,etc. It is helpful to use AssignmentCalculator in order to improveTime Management area - My strengths are Writing Skills andNote Taking, but Time Managementand Concentration are my areasfor improvement. I hope to achieve 3.50 GPAthis semester.This expectationis not very high, it is medium. I can use workshops in order toimprove my academic performance ACC 220 Workshop andEnglish Conversation Clubcan support my academicsuccess. On Reading week Iwent to Seneca Collegelibrary in order to find good information for my research assignment. Language barrier, feelinghomesick are those factorsthat make my plan moredifficult. I am going to select these coursesin my next semester program:APP300 SMS216OBR250 EAC 349General Education Option After leaving Seneca,I want to find a goodjob that is related tomy education. 1st semester 2nd semester
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