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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Relationship between Circulatory System Relationship between Digestive System Relationship between Urinary System Relationship between Integumentary System Maintaining Homeostasis? Your respiratory system takes in oxygen from the atmosphere then oxygen travels through the bloodstream by allowing it to move across the membranes of the lungs into the blood vessels. The circulatory system thencarries oxygen to all the cells in the bodyand picks up carbon dioxide waste, which it returns to the lungs. Carbon dioxide diffuses (spread) from the blood into the lungs, and you exhale it into the atmosphere. the digestive tract is dependent upon the respiratory system, because your digestive tract functions by using muscular contractions to break up food and move it along the tract.Smooth muscle in the stomach churns food into a liquid, and contractions of the intestine move food through the system. These muscles depend upon oxygenin order to function.-without oxygen, your digestive tract would stop working. Provides oxygen so the urinary system can clean the blood of waste products, and removes carbon dioxide and water that the urinary systems produces as a waste product. stimulation of skin receptors may alter respiratory rate By gas exchange and regulation of blood pH.-Gas exchange is performed by the lungs by eliminating carbon dioxide,- A waste product given off by cellular respiration. By: Hannah Pirasteh &Katelyn Ohashi Respiratory Info-graphic
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