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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1994: rBST became commercially available and started to be used in dairy production. A Timeline of History 1990: Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBST) under went trials at the University of Vermont. 2007: Concerned consumers want products containing rBST to be indicated. 2008: Food industry giant Kroger began selling milk that was not produced with rBST. 2007: Starbucks stores started using rBST free products. 1999: Consumers have concerns about the use of rBST and the increased amounts of IGF-1 and push for more information and research. 1993: rBST became FDA approved Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Arguments for rBST Arguments against rBST Farmers can produce more milk with less cows. With less cows there is less feed, water, and decreased green house gases. Since cows milk already contains natural growth hormones thatare equivalent to rBST there is no reason to be alarmed when consuming milk produced with rBST.After rBST is consumed the body breaksdown the chemical before it canbe absorbed. What is Organic? A product or crop that is produced with out the use of syntheticfertilizers, current pesticides or genetically modified organisms. What is rBST? Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone(rBST) is a genetically engineered synthetic hormone used in cows to increase the production of milk. It is noted that consuming rBST canincrease the body's production of insulin growth factor (IGF-1). IGF-1 may increase the cancer risk in people by expediting cell growth. IGF-1 may increase multiple birth rates in women. IGF-1 blocks the bodies natural armor against early cancer cells. Milk produced with rBST is chemicallydifferent than organic milk. It contains a higher amount of IGF-1 vs. Organic milk.rBST can have painful side effects for the cows including a increase ininfection of the mammory glands. ' 2002: A study published in International Journalof Cancer states there is a strong relationship betweenincreased IGF-1 and increased ovarian cancer rates in women. Works CitedGoldstein, Chandler Myrna and Mark A. Goldstein, M.D. Food and Nutrition Controversies TODAY: A Reference Guide. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2009. Print. Miller, Debra, eds. Genetically Engineered Foods. Farmington Hills, Missouri: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Print. Recommedations Consider the dairy product you arebuying when you place it in your cart.These products could contain rBST.Spend time reading labels, products that are free of rBST will be indicated.
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