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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Renaissance EuropeThe Development Of Our Western Worldview Black Death Silk Road Humanism Religion Social Mobility Science Conclusion Technology Education The bubonic plague (AKA Black Death) was a widespread outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe which occurred between 1346 and 1353, an estimated 75-200 million individuals died, mostly peasants (which made up 90% of the population). This allowed the balance of power to shift in the peasants favor later on. The Silk Road was a very large trading route spanning from western Europe to Eastern Asia.The Silk Road was an important part in the spread of ideas and products as it connected many different groups of people together during the Renaissance period. Without this route,ideas such as Humanism may not have been able to spread in later years (sources of ethical wisdom). Humanism is an ideology/philosophy that encourages individuals to be open minded and focuses on the human rather than only religion, this ideology is what later led to major developments in science,art,math,education, and technology. This ideology was mostly derived from the writings of the classics (ancient Greeks and Romans)(sources of ethical wisdom). After the tragic Black Death, many individualslost faith in the Church as the Church had no answers as to why the outbreak occurred or why they weren't saved by God, as a result of this many people began using Humanism to find answers to the questions they had. This was an important thing as it led to the exploration of new ideas which eventuallyhelped shaped parts of our modern society (education for all, equality etc.) (sources of ethical wisdom). Art Renaissance art introduced society to new ways of interpreting the world. This new type of art focused more on the human body rather than religious icons and events. The hallmark of this art is the painting technique called Chiaroscuro which is the shading style that gives Renaissance art its signature depth. Chiaroscuro gives the illusion of dimension and depth which was a sharp contrast to the flat, lifeless works of art that were commissioned by the Church for 1,000 years. This was important because the painting and sculpture developed by individuals without direct influence from the Church fostered a new significance and the gradual acceptance of independent sources of information (sources of ethical wisdom). During the Middle Ages, there was a rigid social structure (feudalism) in place meaning people were born into their respective classes, they could not move up or down. The main classes were (from highest to lowest) King, Noble, and Peasant. However, after the Black Death, many peasants died meaning they could demand moremoney for their services and therefore could earn more.This also forced some Nobles to work for themselves,this caused a balance of power to occur. During the Renaissance, a new class emerged, known as the Merchant class, this class was between the Peasantclass and the Nobles. Merchants were people who traded and sold goods to earn money rather than performmanual labor like Peasants. This was an importantchange as it helped develop equality in our modern western worldview (equality with others). Education had a significant change during the Renaissance, during the Middle Ages, only high class individuals were educated, however during the Renaissance education became more widespread, due to the invention of the printing press allowing books to be made and published much faster. This led to our modern worldview where we believe education is very important for success in later life (view of the good life and equality with others). Many inventions emerged during the Renaissance, including (but not limited to) the printing press,the mechanical clock,newspaper,and the telescope.There were many great inventors during the Renaissance such as Leonardo Da Vinci,Johann Gutenburg,and Galileo Galilei. These inventions helped further the knowledge of many scientists and mathematicians and also made life easier. This was an important part of the Renaissance as it developed our idea that we can use technology to improve our quality of life (view of the good life). The Renaissance was a great time for the development of science, many new discoveries were made such as the heliocentric theory by Nicolas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei, the discovery of other continents by various geographers and the advancement of medicine.The development of science was heavily influenced by the Humanism ideology which encouraged individuals to think for themselves and explore the world through experimentation and observation (sources of ethical wisdom). All these advancements and changes initially caused by the Renaissance led to many great discoveries, inventions, ideas and concepts led to our modern day western worldview. In a way, the tragic Black Death was necessary in order to createour modern day society and worldview, without it, it is possible that we would have been stuck in something similar to the Middle Ages if it hadnt been for all these events to occur.
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