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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Week 12 Week 10 0,83 toneladas de CO2 por electricidad37,19 toneladas de CO2 por transporte2,06 toneladas de CO2 por residuos sรณlidos Consumo de agua 270 LComidas/Calorias 1755 kcal Energia 8.275 kW/hGas 0.5m3Distancia 28 kmEmisiones de CO2 0.111 TmCalorias gastadas 1500 kcalDesechos Solidos 2 kg/diaDesechos liquidos 20 L/dia Jina PaimaAEDT4110U 0,83 toneladas de CO2 por consumo de electricidad Week 5 Week 6 Week 8 Week 9 Week 11 Week 4 The main purpose of assessment is to improve teaching and learning process. Comida 695 kcalTelevisor 600 kW/hBombillo 150 kW/hHorno Microondas 0.15 kW/hComputador 1200 kW/hLavar loza -20.6 KcalVer TV -60kcal Deposiciones solidas 700 gDeposiciones liquidas 10 L Week 1 Para fabricar una tonelada de papel se necesitanentre 12 y 16 รกrboles de tamaรฑo mediano, unos 50.000 litros de agua y 300 de petrรณleo I have also learned that student learning is divided intothree particular domains: Cognitive, Psychomotor& Affective domains. Subsequently, each domain has been divided into several levels depending on the extent of curriculum. In this course, we are expose to Bloom's taxonomy which follows the cognitive domain.Additionally, I have learned that cognitive domain measuresthe thinking level of student learning which is organized from lower to higher level thinking skills. Week 3 Transporte 14.05 KmDeposiciones liquidas 500 mL Emisiones de CO2 4.36 Kg This week's topic was about learning objectives and it's role alongside the assessment process.Now, I know how important learning objectives are in identifying and meeting the learning goals. Furthermore, it works as a guideline in building a measurable assessment. I have also learned how to use Bloom's taxonomy to organize my learning objectives in order to articulate the knowledge and skills the students will acquire at the end of the course. This week, we examined the reliability and validity of assessment. Through readingand video clips, I have come to realize that anassessment is only reliable if it consistentlyachieves the same results with the same cohort of students. Most importantly, I havelearned that validity of an assessment is toaccurately measures what it intended to measure. Assessment Reflection In this week's reading and tutorial, both "Assessment" and "Evaluation" were analyzed. At first, I found it really hard to differentiate between the two terminologies. However after carefully examining their differences, I now know that assessment is the process of collecting evidence of student learning; whereas, evaluation is the decision-making processto assign a grade. Week 7 Week 2 Harris-Benedict Calorias necesarias 2002 kcal Calorias gastadas 1668 kcal This week's video clips & tutorialwere based on the course introduction and the learning outcomes. For me, the most interesting aspect of this course is the principle and practicesof sound assessment. This knowledge is essential to me as a learner because I can implement this learning into myteaching practices and I can prepare asound assessment to evaluate my students. Having read and discussed both formative and summative assessment, I have acquiredessential knowledge of both types of assessment and their main purpose.I now know that the goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learningwith an ongoing feedback; whereas, the goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at end of the instructional period.
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