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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Types of Reference Resources Selection Criteria Bibliographic Sources Directories Biographic Sources Government Resources Dictionaries Encyclopedias GeographicResources FORMATPrint, electronic, digitalphysical makeup, illustrations TREATMENTAccuracy, objectivity,style, audience SCOPEPurpose, coverage,currency RELATION TO OTHER WORKSUniqueness, spin-offs,new editions AUTHORITYAuthorship, publisher/sponsor, sources of information ARRANGEMENTSequence, indexing COST, ETC.Price, licensingstipulations, renewals May be enumerative or systematic and are concerned with the listing of books andother documents. Wilson Core Collection, WorldCat Genres,Google Books, The Reader's Advisor Online A list of people, companies, or institutions, etc. in alphabetical or classified order - available in print, microform, and electronicformats. The Open Directory, Peterson's Four YearColleges, Gale Directory Library, GovSearch Almanacs, Yearbooks,and Handbooks Provide quick answers and summaries for factualquestions. "One StopShopping" on a variety of topics. Infoplease, Old Farmer's AlmanacFor Kids, Guiness Book of World Records,CIA World Factbook, UN CyberschoolbusAlmanac, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame A collection of famous, important,or infamous peoplein history or the present. Infoplease Biography,,, BIO.classroom Provide definitions,pronunciations, usage,and etymology ofwords., Oxford Dictionary ofQuotations, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, Provide a well-organizedoverview of selected topicsof major importance., Brittanica Student, Usborne Internet Linked Children'sEncyclopedia Provide physical location,political and physical characteristics of locations,information about culture, and absolute and relativelocations. Atlases, Gazetteers, and Travel Guides: Digital Sanborn Maps, U.S. Serial Set, Purpose is to inform andserve citizens and to publicaly documentthe activities of the office or organization, FBI.SOS, EDSITEment, POTUS/FLOTUS,, THOMAS,
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