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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Rabies Treating Rabies:Most common treatmentis postexposure prophylaxis.First wash wound with soap &water. Critical step intreating rabies is a dose ofimmunoglobulin andstrict schedule of rabiesvaccine injections. Types of Rabies:Furious rabies is easilyprovoked, distressed, andaggressive. Some animalsmay do things that areuncharacteristic for theirspecies.Paralytic (dumb) rabies, therabid animal's body may bepartially or completelyparalyzed. Prognosis: The bite of a rabid animal is the most common cause of rabies.This virus affects the central nervous system and is carried in thesaliva of a rabid animal and can enter the body through anopening in the skin, such as a bite wound. Even though it isvery rare, getting rabies from non-bite exposure is possible.This would include inhalation of aerosol particles of the virus,or by a rabid animal licking a person's eyes, nose, mouth, oropened skin. The number of humandeaths caused by rabieshave dramaticallydecreased from more than 100 annually toonly one or two peryear. Postexposureprophylaxis has provennearly 100% successful. Cause of Rabies: Symptoms:Effects your central nervoussystem and symptoms occurwithin about 1 - 8 weeks,causing depression,fever,headache,vomiting, anxiety,confusion,insomnia,hallucinations, paralysisof lower legs, painful throat,and voice spasms. Prevention:Do not feed wild animals andstay a safe distance away. Makesure children are supervised andteach them not to approachanimals they do not know. Ifanimal is showing sign of rabies,stay away. Contact authorities ifyou suspect an animal to haverabies. Also, if you have petsmake sure you vaccinatethem against rabies. Rabies is nearly 100%fatal. After contractingsymptoms, it is mostlikely that the victim willeventually slip into acoma and die with 1- 3weeks. There has onlybeen one knownsurvivor without gettingany sort of medical helpimmediately. Children 15 years oryounger are more likelyto get rabies than anyoneelse. Since they are young their immunesystem is not verystrong. Their bodiesare more vulnerable tothe virus. -Rabies is more common in cats than in dogs:Cases of rabies in domestic pets 400 to500 per year according to the AmericanHumane Association. During 2010,Puerto Rico reported 372 dog and catrabies cases. Of that total, 303 cats contracted the virus and only 69 dogs.-Rabies vaccines can have side effects:Effects may include fever, loss ofappetite, facial swelling, hives diarrhea, or hair loss around injection site.
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