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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION RTI Team: Definition Citation RTI Tiers Great Decent Tier 3: Purpose: Assessment Citations: Definition: Tier 2: Student General Education Teacher Speech and Language Pathologists Literacy Specialists Special EducationTeacher ScreeningAssessment Diagnostic Assessment Progress Monitoring Outcomes Assessment Keeping a Careful Eye Jenkins, J. R., Hudson, R. F., & Hee Lee, S. (2007). Using CBM-Reading Assessments to Monitor Progress. In RTI Action Network; A Program of the National Center for Learning Disabilities. Retrieved September 10, 2014,from progress/usingcbm Johnson, E. S., Pool, J., & Carter, D. R. (2008, August 1). Screening for Reading Problems in an RTI Framework. In RTI Action Network; A program of the National Center for Learning Disabilites. Retrieved September 10, 2014, from screening-for-reading-problems-in-an-rti-framework Tier 1: AssessmentService ProviderSetting Target AudienceInstructional Focus GroupingInstructional Time Esteves, K. J., Whitten, E., Woodrow, A. (2009). Setting up RTI teams and the problem -solving process. RTI success (pp.22-44). Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing. "RTI is an assessment and intervention process designed to help schools meet students' diverse learning needs." -EDR 345 Course Readings, p. 75 Chapter 1: Response to Intervention. (n.d.). In Literacy Development and Students in Inclusive Classrooms Course Readings: EDR 345 (pp. 75-86). LAD Custom Publishing. A general education initiative that aims to properly educate all children, provide quiality assesments to inform instructional practices, build positive relationships within the classroom, and encourage educators to work as team.
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