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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1765 1770 1773 1773 EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CAUSES) INFOGRAPHIC 2008 The Stamp Act was a tax thatthe colonists had to pay on each sheet of printed paper. 1767 The Townshend acts which were imposed by Charles Townshend,were a collection of taxes on differentgoods. The colonists responded byboycutting all english goods. The Boston Massacre was an event where there are multiple accounts ofwhat happened. We assume thatwhat really happened was that somecolonists were unhappy with theBritish soldiers in their city, so theythrew rocks and ice at one of them.He called for backup and eventuallyone of them shot. The patriots used this eventas propaganda to get people on their side. The tea act was not really a tax,it allowed the king's royaltea company to sell tea in America without a high tax,so the colonists were forced to buy it and not theirregular tea. This angered all of the colonies and wouldlead to the Boston Tea Party.
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