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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ............................................................................................................ 500,000 500,000 ................................................................................ .. ................................................................................ .. Tender opens 201 3 IMPLEMENTATIO N IMPLEMENTATIO N ................................................................. 2014/15 2015/16 STAGE TWO IMPLEMENTATION Detailed Survey ITEMS Soil Testing Detailed Design COMMENTS Perimeter Fence Removal Mounding Removal Playground & Recreation SITE PREPARATION, RESERVE AMENITY & COMMUNITY RECREATION STAGE ONE SPORTS DEVELOPMENT Repair & Improve Velodrome IMPLEMENTATION COMMENTS ITEM Improve visitor facilities Detailed survey, detailed design and soil testing are prerequisite to any works commencing. The removal of fencing and mounding are considered important for:- Improved reserve profile, access and use; &- Passive surveillance of reserve assets and reserve users promoting greater safety and security.Perimeter recreation facilities are proposed to activate the reserve, attract local residents to use and form a relationship to the site, and address the lack of recreation space available to the Woodville Gardens community. Car Park Renewal ** Further community engagement should be undertaken with residents to facilitate greater involvement and community benefit from the completed project. Improved sports facilities are proposed for stage 2 to capitalise on reserve activation, enhanced site amenity, and allow for:- Additional capital funding to be sourced by Cycling SA;- Long term lease arrangements to be developed in support of best value outcomes for cycling;- Cycling SA to develop and promote a cycling program to attract cycling members and optimise track use; and- Demand to be established and further works scoped to accommodate need RECOMMENDATIONS In implementing the Hanson Reserve Master Plan it is recommended:- Further community engagement is undertaken;- The velodrome be improved through the proposed partnership approach;- Renewal and reconfiguration of car parking occurs in line with demand; and- Consolidation of buildings into one share use facility be excluded from staging and undertaken at end of useful life.
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