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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Cinderella: The Story of Us evil stepfamilyor incestuousfather magicalhelper return orascensionto wealth punishment forwrong-doers In Cinderella stories from different times and all over the world, a few motifsremain the same. They reflect basic and universal human struggles and desires. Bolaki, Stella. Four Times Upon a Time: Snow White Retold. Beyond Adaptation: Essays on Radical Transformations of Original Works. Ed. Phyllis Frus and Christy Williams. Jefferson: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2010. P 181-183. Print. we all face trouble in our lives wanting someone to grant our wishes and solve our problems wanting to be comfortable- economically or otherwise we hope for justice each motif reflects someuniversal theme that allpeople agree with andand can relate to. 400s BCand before 2014 andbeyond The Princess inthe Suit of Leather Egyptian folktale Yeh-hsien China, 850 AD Donkeyskin France, 1694 AD Cinderella Germany, 1857 AD A Cinderella Story United States, 2004 AD because fairy tales do not belong to anyone, the genre is promiscuous and infinitely flexible; tales travel from place to place and are constantly revised by successive generations (Bolaki) transformations of fairy tales do not lose their power to guide us in our choices, alleviate fears, or help us deal with psychological crises, but they suggest new directions and routes (Bolaki)
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