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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 RAINBy Kazim Ali With thick strokes of ink the sky fills with rain.Pretending to run for cover but secretly praying for more rain.Over the echo of the water, I hear a voice saying my name.No one in the city moves under the quick sightless rain.The pages of my notebook soak, then curl. Ive written:Yogis opened their mouths for hours to drink the rain.The sky is a bowl of dark water, rinsing your face.The window trembles; liquid glass could shatter into rain.I am a dark bowl, waiting to be filled.If I open my mouth now, I could drown in the rain.I hurry home as though someone is there waiting for me.The night collapses into your skin. I am the rain. Analysis: the poem is broken down into three sections. The first section talks about the rain from the perspective of the city. the second section talks about the rain from the perspective of people and animals. the third sections tlaks about the rain from the perspective of the sky. poetic devices Personification: the sky rising your face. Hyperbole: no one coulddrown by just openingtheir mouth to the rain. Metaphor: Dark Bowl compared to Human. metaphor Hyperbole Metaphor: thick strokes of inkis being compared to clouds. No internal or end rhyme, but every stanza ends on Rain. Summary Thick dark clouds fill the sky.pretending to hate the rain but secretly loving it. over the sound of rain someone calls my nameno one moves in the city. my pages are wet and curl. I've written:"Yogis open their mouths for hours to drinkthe rain. the sky is a dark bowl, rising your face.the window trembles. it could shatterinto a million pieces. I am a dark bowl, waiting to be filled.if I open my mouth now, i could drown. I hurry home as if someone is waiting for me. the night collapses into your skin. I AM THE RAIN. (Free Verse) the poem is written in six stanzas of two lines each. The author wrote this poem to describe the rain from different points of view. The tone of the poem is calm/peaceful/soothing.
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