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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Following Foods Account for Approximately 90 Percent of all Allergic Reactions Tree Nuts Tree nut allergy is a common childhood allergy. Tree nuts include cashews, walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds and any other nut that grows in a tree. Tree nut allergies tend tobe life long, but some children have outgrown it.Symtpoms can be mild to severe and include anaphylaxis. Tree nut allergy is a common childhood allergy. Tree nuts include cashews, walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds and any other nut that grows in a tree. Tree nut allergies tend tobe life long, but some children have outgrown it.Symtpoms can be mild to severe and include anaphylaxis. About half of allergies to shellfish develop during childhood. Although most reactions are caused by crab, lobster and shrimp, it also be caused by mollusks such as muscles, scallops, clams and oysters. Reactions to shellfish tend to be severe and includeanaphylaxis. It is considered a lifelong allergy. About half of allergies to shellfish develop during childhood. Although most reactions are caused by crab, lobster and shrimp, it also be caused by mollusks such as muscles, scallops, clams and oysters. Reactions to shellfish tend to be severe and includeanaphylaxis. It is considered a lifelong allergy. Allergies to cow's milk are most common in infants and small children. But most children will outgrow the allergy. It mostly affects children with low levels of cow's milk antibodies in their blood. Symptoms range from mildto severe. Milk allergy is different from lactose intolerance, which does not affect the immune system. About half of allergies to finned fish developduring childhood. Most reaction are caused by Salmon, Halibut and Tuna, but other fish can also cause allergic reaction. Reactions to finned fish tend to be severe and includeanaphylaxis. It is considered a lifelong allergy. Eggs Peanut allergies are one of the most common food allergies. Symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, including life threatening anaphylaxis.It is considered a lifelong allergythough about 20 percent ofchildren will out grow it. Peanuts grow underground and are different from tree nuts, like cashews and almonds. Peanut allergies are one of the most common food allergies. Symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, including life threatening anaphylaxis.It is considered a lifelong allergythough about 20 percent ofchildren will out grow it. Peanuts grow underground and are different from tree nuts, like cashews and almonds. Eggs Tree Nuts Peanuts Peanuts Milk Milk Wheat Food Allergies: The Big 8 Wheat allergies are most common in children and are usually outgrownbefore adulthood. Symptoms range from mild to severe and include anaphylaxis. Although allergic to wheat, other grains are usually safe. Should not be confused with Celiac's Disease or gluten intolerance, which is not an allergy and requires avoidance of ALL grains. Wheat allergies are most common in children and are usually outgrownbefore adulthood. Symptoms range from mild to severe and include anaphylaxis. Although allergic to wheat, other grains are usually safe. Should not be confused with Celiac's Disease or gluten intolerance, which is not an allergy and requires avoidance of ALL grains. Allergy to egg is the second most common allergy among children, but most will likely outgrow it. Symptoms range from mild to severeand include anaphylaxis. Some vaccines contain egg protien, so be sure to talk to your doctor before getting your child vaccinated. Most allergies to soy develop during early childhood and are usually outgrown by age 10. Reactions tend to be mild to moderate and rarely include anaphylaxis. It is one of the most common childhood allergies. Soybeans and soy derivatives are often found in most processed foods. Most allergies to soy develop during early childhood and are usually outgrown by age 10. Reactions tend to be mild to moderate and rarely include anaphylaxis. It is one of the most common childhood allergies. Soybeans and soy derivatives are often found in most processed foods. Fish Fish Shellfish Shellfish Wheat Soy Soy Quick Reference
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