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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Seven Years War The Seven Years War Frederick The Great The Silesian Wars-Road to the Seven Years War- 18th Century - Europe is divided into many 'German States', the largest and strongest being Austria, rulled by the powerful Hapsburg Family 1740Frederick II assumes the Prussian throne after the death of his father, Frederick William I - a hardworking, strict and unimaginative soldier king who instructed his son in every possible form of war and hard, dull routine. Frederick 'Fritz' II had a brilliant mind, and resented his father with his single-minded, agressive views. He was secretly taught music, literature, philosophy and the arts by his mother, and grewto be a diligent, intelligent and thrifty man. It was through these secret 'hobbies' that he thus became familiar with the philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment. This manner of thinking taughthim the essential skills of logic and reasoning, which he wouldlater combine with his tactical genius to build his brilliantly successful reign and array of military achievements. 1713 - The Austrian King and Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI issues the Pragmatic Sanction, leaving his daughter, future Empress Maria Theresa, rule over the Hapsburg lands and forcing all European powers to agree 1740 - Seeking to make Prussia the strongest power in Europe and revenge on Maria for her fathers injustices, Fritz invades the large territory of Silesia to the southwest of Prussia. The territory would increase Prussia's power and boundaries, but, more importantly, it belonged to Austria. During the ensuing first and second Silesian Wars, Austria and its ally England are defeated by Prussia and its ally France, a long time enemy of both. Prussia pulls out of the war aftersecuring a treaty claiming Silesia, abandoning France, but later rejoins when it fears its former ally will lose. Fritz proceeds to lead a series of brilliant victories and gains his reputation as a military genius. 1745 1756 After loosing Silesia, Austria attempts to rebuild the tentative alliance it had held with Russia since 1746. Meanwhile, Prussia signs a treaty of protection with England promising to stay out of its war with France, which had only recently broken out. This angers France, feeling that Fritz had abandoned them a second time. When Maria asks them to ally with her, they agree. 1756 Alliances stand Prussia and England vs. Austria, France, Russia and Saxony. Instead of backing down, Fritz takes the initiative and attacks Austria, the weakest, beginning the war. England is busy facing France in America, forcing Prussia to fight alone Russia, who, unlike its allies, held no grudges against either side andwould gain little either way, progresses lazily and attacks the eastern borders of Prussia, knowing they would loose if faced with Fritz in person. Under Fritz, Prussia possessed the finest army in Europe. Drilled and trained by the innovator of military himself, Fritz's armies were a force to be reckoned with. Taking advantage of his enemies lack of cohesion in their alliances and their slow and clumsy formations, Fritz took on his opponents, for the most part, one at a time. Their superior discipline allowed Fritz to march to war in small detachments and surround the enemy, regrouping only moments before the battle to strike. While it was well known that Prussia possessed the poorest weapons in Europe, the soldiers were well disciplined in using them and adapted the equipment to serve Prussia to the fullest. They favored muskets, which could be fired in rows of three, allowing for quicker attacks, and Prussian manufactured flink-locks which allowed them to fire on the move. With Fritz as their leader, despite the overwhelming odds, the Prussian army was near unbeatable. Empress Elizabeth of Russia dies, and Grand Duke Peter IIIassumes the throne. A great admirer of Fritz and the Prussian army, he quickly pulls Russia out of the war. 1762 1763Without the support of Russia, Maria Theresa is forced to sign the Peace of Hubertusburg, ending the war to Prussia and giving up permanent control of Silesia 1756 -1763 - Frederick the Great of Prussia attacks Austria, beginning the Seven Years War. The war would progress to a seemingly impossible battle with Prussian armies on one side, along with an absent English ally, against the collective world powers of Europe. Ending with a Prussian victory, it distinguished Prussia and its leader as a major power and one of the most formidable opponents in the world
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