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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1 2 Prospect checklist Meet with prospect to discuss requirements & required outcome. Document details on Teamwork. Follow-up email Brainstorm/CBA 4 Work estimates A note to say 'nice to meet you' and we will be in touch again shortly. Discuss potential project in-house - objectives/timescales/constraints/risks or concerns/issues/benefits/lessons learned from similar past projects/availability of resources. Determine whether feasible within client's budget & timescale. 5 If we want to bid for the work, a detailed proposal should be sent to the client that includes any assumptions from either party. This should also include a detailed scope that details constraints, dependencies, assumptions, risks, deliverables and "desired outcomes' of the project 3 6 7 Project approval/sign-off Proposal Follow up call, email &/or meeting Confirm details and answer any questions If client wishes to go ahead, they need to return signed copies. We need to: 1. Send Welcome pack, intro email, link to website & client worksheet 2. Send deposit invoice 3.Define roles & responsibilities4. Obtain preliminary details from client Confirm who will be the responsible for overall management of the project First meeting Scope out project 10 Agree schedule with team, create & assign all relevant tasks relating to the project for us to track progress 12 Created by the team who will doing the work - rough idea of timescales/costs, including some contingency for unforeseen issues or sudden, unexpected changes 8 9 Briefing meeting 11 Review meetings Internal or external meetings to discuss and report on progress 13 In-house testing/checking Check spelling & grammar, test websites/apps - allocate time to do these checks thoroughly Client testing/approval Once we are happy, send our work to the client to review/test/approve 14 Add all interested parties plus any documentation/notes/files/information that we have at this stage 15 Add project & proposal summaryto Teamwork Assign a project manager First meeting Product delivery Project planning Once the client is happy, we deliver the product i.e. physical product (branded material) or website/app 16 Invoicing Final invoices should be sent, including charges for hosting if relevant 17 Send thank you email Once the project is complete, send a thank you email to the client thanking themfor working with us and asking for their feedback (direct them to survey on Survey Monkey)
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